Page 19 of His to Ruin

“Thanks for that,” she says with a sweet smile pushing a strand of blond hair away from her face before tucking it behind her ear. “I know I have more issues than Vogue magazine, but I needed to get that off my chest more than I thought I did.”

“Anytime. And I mean that. You have my number now so you can talk to me anytime day or night.”

“I’m sure your friends back home miss you, but I’m glad that you’re here,” she says pulling me into a warm hug. I hug her back.

“We better get going to class. I’ve Mr Simons and he has no problem writing people up for tardiness. What do you have?”

“History I think.”

She wiggles her brows. “Ah, you got Mr sexy ass Jones. You’ll see what I mean when I say he’s fucking super-hot, but the beard he’s sporting this year is not a good look on him. You can tell him I said that and to shave later for when he meets me in my dreams. Chaffed thighs in dreams still hurt you know.”

“Will do,” I chuckle. “Oh, before I forget. Would it be alright if I meet you in the parking lot after school? I need to make a stop off at the library to pick up a book for chemistry class.”

“Sure, no problem.”

We say our goodbyes and as I’m on my way to class I think over everything Lexy said. Who the hell are these people? Fear creeps up my spine as a thought runs through me like ice in my veins. What if its them, the two guys from the beach? I shake away the negative thoughts from my head. No, it can’t be.

Chapter Twelve


“SeriouslyColtonwillyoujust shut the fuck up about this girl already,” Saint says annoyed, his mood darkening as he looks away from the window lifting his fork back up to push his now cold fries around on his plate. He’s clearly still in the same shitty mood he’s been in all week.

“Na Saint, I’m serious man, you wanna see this chick she has the best set of…”

“What’s up with you?” I ask Saint cutting off Colton.

I know my best friend and somethings eating away at him. I thought he would have gotten whatever the fuck it is out of his system last night with that girl he was with, but he’s more pent up than ever.

I look out the window to see if I can spot what’s caught his attention. That’s when I see Lexy sitting in her usual spot against a tree. She’s talking to someone but I can’t see who it is.

“What you mean besides living in a house with two hormonal bitches or that we have to find this Richmond kid? Or could it be that another one of our warehouses got over run again last night with $250k of laundered money along with guns,” he says fisting a hand full of is hair. “Take your fucking pick.”

“Say what now? How the hell did that happen?”

“I don’t know but the bastards were there waiting like snakes in the grass ready to strike. Killed one of our best men.”

Colton’s brows pull up when he ask’s, “Who do you think it was? The Irish or the Maloti’s?”

“I don’t know but that’s the third warehouse hit in the past few months. I think there’s a traitor in our organisation.

I mean, how else would they have known we would be keeping the shipment of guns in there?“ Saint responds.

“The bastards have been watching Eric’s every move ever since Marcus was put away. They’re bound to be watching us now too,” Colton says.

“Fuck,” I bang my fist in frustration on the table. “This is all we need. Does he know?”

“Know that we went to that party last night instead of helping to move the shipment to another location like he told us you mean? Yeah he knows,” Saint says.

“And? Are we fucking dead men walking or what?” Colton probes.

“You still have use of your fucking legs asshole, of course we’re not. I managed to get out of it by telling him I got a lead that this Jordin guy was going to be there which is why we went there instead.”

“And he believed you?” I ask.

“Again! Do you see any broken bones? Besides, he knows what my grandfather said about allowing me to finish school. If he finds out my dad has us doing this type of grunt work he’s screwed. Anyway, it looks like the Maloti’s were behind it.”

“Can you be sure it was the Maloti’s and not a set up made to look like the money was stolen?” Colton asks.