Page 20 of His to Ruin

“Ryan and Leon were there to oversee the move, right? You trust them?”

“I wouldn’t have fucking left them too it if I hadn’t now would I smartass. I would have been there myself if I didn’t fucking trust him. Ryan’s one of my dad’s top guys and worked for us for years. He knows the consequences. Unfortunately for us he’s hooked up to all sorts of machines in the ICU, so it’s not like he can talk at the minute but one of the other men that was shot was a known associate of Ian’s crew.”

“Shit, they fucked them up pretty bad,” Colton says.

“Fuck. We need to find this Richmond guy to pull us out of his shit list and quick,” I remind them.

“Still no word on where he enrolled?” Saint asks Colton who shakes his head.

“He’s not here. Mrs Simms was adamant that there was no intake of male students this year. The only transfers we had was three females. But I have someone checking out Rockford high to see if he’s enrolled there.”

“Be harder to get to him if he’s in Rockford,” I tell him.

“Already got it covered,” Saint replies smugly.

“How so?” I quiz.

“I’ve someone already in place there that will make him hurt so bad he’ll be begging his parents to be transferred here and when he does, we’ll be waiting.”

I sit the rest of lunch shooting the shit with Tyson and most of the football team.

“So QB, how’s the Rose Bay Tigers feeling about the upcoming game?” Colton enquires.

“We’re in pretty good shape.”

“I can see that,” Colton replies in a flirty tone.

“Coach has been riding our asses pretty fucking hard all week.”

“The lucky bastard,” Colton says lowly.

Tyson laughs off his remark then continues, “The team knows what’s got to be done. All we need to do now is to get out on the field and do it. Not to mention we’ve got some pretty big college recruits coming so we need to bring our A-game otherwise I can kiss goodbye to a full college scholarship,” Tyson says.

“You better be on it with the Fulton Panthers man. I’ve a lot of money riding on that game,” I tell him.

“Fulton’s going down this year,” someone shouts down the table. “We’ll kick their asses up and down the field, right boys?”

Fists fly in the air as the guys all holler and cheer in agreement.

“Hey Caleb,” I hear a familiar voice say. I don’t even need to look up to know who that whiny voice belongs to. I’d forgotten all about Georgina over the summer and I could really do without this today, especially with the mood Saint’s in. Thankfully, he’s too distracted to care judging by the way he’s craning his neck back to where Lexys sitting. Most likely trying to see who she’s talking with or more so if it’s a guy. He thinks I don’t see how he looks at his soon to be stepsister when know ones watching. He’s wrong but he’d rather stick pins in his eyes than admit it.

Georgina clears her throat trying to get my attention. For fucks sake. When will she get it in her head that it was a only few hook-up’s when I had no one better to do, nothing more. Did she seriously think that just because I let her suck my dick and fuck her a handful of times over the summer that she has some sort of a claim on me now schools started? She doesn’t. No one has and no one ever will. I’m not a one girl man, but I’m not a total bastard either. I tried to let Georgina down gently by purposely letting her see me taking Christy and her friend up the stairs at a party before summer ended which should have been a waving red flag to any girl, but not to Georgina. I’ve seen her around the jocks at school and the way she plays them, getting them to do whatever she wants. She thinks she’s the fucking queen bee of our school and that guy she has in her sight set on will bow to her demands. But not me.

“I haven’t heard from you in a while,” she says sitting down next to me running her manicured fingers along my arm. I don’t even look up from my phone as I shoot off a text to Colton who’s talking to the red headed football player to get rid of her. I tried to let her down gently and don’t do girl drama but Colton, he gets off on this type of shit.

“For fucks sake Georgina can’t you tell, he’s not interested. Go suck someone else’s dick, Saints preferably to take him out of his shitty mood would be helpful,” Colton smiles at her cruelly.

I feel Georgina straighten up in the seat as I watch her from the corner of my eye. She’s looking around the room with a horrified expression hoping the entire football team didn’t just hear her being rejected, but they did.

“I wasn’t talking to you.”

“Yeah, well I’m talking to you. Caleb is busy so move on.”

“Ahh what’s wrong Colton?” she says in a mocking tone trying to pull back some of her humiliation. “Are you jealous because I wouldn’t have your disease-ridden dick near me when you tried to get me into bed before break?”

“Suck my dick, Georgina. I wouldn’t fucking touch you with a 10-foot pole.”

“That’s a nice offer and all but I’ve already told you I’m lactose intolerant. I don’t eat cheese.”