Page 125 of Tex (Burnout 2)

Looking is okay, the note said. Touching isn’t. Enjoy! Love, Slick

“Free pass!” Easy shouted. And the girls all cheered.

They bade the men to sit in the chairs and Easy pulled his girl directly into his lap. “What, pray tell,” he said into her ear, “is an Ice Cream Social?”

The girl giggled and wiggled on his lap. “You’ll see!” she declared.

And oh, did they see.

Two girls with ponytails, g-strings, and high heels wheeled in a small cart and placed it next to the bed.

The men watched in with a mix of adoration and amazement as the two little minxes climbed onto the bed, the cart within easy reach, and began to decorate each other as though they were living, breathing, ice cream sundaes.

At least the plastic sheets made sense now.

“Oh, my God,” Hawk moaned as the little blonde ate the dark-haired girl’s cherry, and then ate her cherry. Well, probably not her cherry, considering she was a stripper, but it was good to pretend.

A pretty little Asian girl sidled up next to Tex. “Want some company?” she purred, indicating that aside from Shooter, Tex’s lap was the only other that remained unoccupied.

Tex grinned, but shook his head. “No, ma’am,” he replied. “I’m playing by the same rules as my friend here,” he said, jerking his thumb at Shooter. He did, however, dig some bills out of his wallet. “But if you’d get me a shot of Jaeger and a beer, I’d be grateful.”

The woman toddled off on her impossibly high heels to complete the bar order.

Hawk lifted his own beer that he’d ordered a moment ago and held it out to Tex. “To Vegas,” he announced. And the other men approved.

“To Vegas!” they all joined in.

Easy grinned. “You should leave,” he told Tex. “Right now. You should go back to the hotel, grab that woman of yours, and take her straight to one of those little Elvis chapels.”

The men laughed. Tex smiled. “I don’t see myself getting married by the King,” he protested.

Hawk smirked. “I’m not one for marriage,” he declared. “But buy that little woman a leash or something, cowboy. Don’t let her get away.”

Tex sipped his beer and watched Candy and Mandy wrestle in a sea of whipped cream, but all he could really think about was a sassy little redhead who needed one hell of a reward.


In the morning, the group headed downstairs to the buffet. Easy came to their large table with plate stacked as high as he could get it without spilling.

“You know you can go back up,” Hawk told him, shaking his head.

Easy flipped him the bird and shoveled in a mouthful of Belgian waffles. “Last night,” he declared, “was amazing, Vegas.” Abby grinned at him. “Out of curiosity, do you own any other towns? Berlin? Helsinki? Tokyo?”

Abby laughed. “Nope. Just Sin City.”

“I never met someone who owned a whole town before,” Hawk declared. “You think-”


Abby felt her stomach tighten at the sound of her own name. She didn’t even need to turn her head to know who it belonged to. But she did anyway.

The woman standing at the table was tall, especially since she had on high heels. A decent pair, Abby thought to herself, as she looked the woman over. But then Nicolette had always done better for herself than anyone would have expected from Louisiana sharecroppers.

She had on a crisp linen dress. Her hair was flaming red, much more so than Abby’s. Abby knew it was a dye job just by looking, but a pricey one at any rate.

“What are you doing here?” Abby blurted out, getting out of her chair.

“I heard you were in town and I thought I’d come say hello.”

Abby skirted around the table, took Nicolette by the elbow, and started pushing her toward the door. “Be right back,” she called to the table of her friends.

As both women walked through the lobby, Nicolette protested. “Abby, really, I-”

“Not. here,” Abby snapped, jamming the button for the elevator. When the doors opened, she ushered the other woman in and pressed the button for her own floor.

In the relative safety of the suite, Abby slammed the door. “What are you doing here?” she demanded again.

“I came to see you,” Nicolette replied. “You practically ran out of Vegas when you graduated and I never had a chance-”

“You had years, Nicolette,” Abby snapped. “It’s not as though you didn’t know where to find me.”

Nicolette scowled. “Well, things were complicated.”

“I bet,” Abby replied, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Ignoring Abby’s seething anger, Nicolette instead glanced around the suite. “You know,” she said conversationally, “when Mick built this place, he promised me an apartment on one of the upper floors.” She ran her hand over the back of the sofa. “When he died that bitch-”


Nicolette at least had the good sense to look chagrined.