Page 126 of Tex (Burnout 2)

“It doesn’t matter,” Abby informed her.

“It’s always mattered,” Nicolette argued. “But now you’re back and-”

Abby shook her head. “I’m not back. I’m just spending the weekend with some friends.”

Ignoring that as well, Nicolette took an envelope out of her purse and tried to hand it to Abby.

“I don’t want that,” Abby declared.

“Abby. Be reasonable.”

“I am being reasonable. This is your thing. Not mine. It has nothing do with me.”

“It has everything to do with you!” Nicolette snapped.

“Why can’t you just be happy?” Abby demanded. “I mean, you look like you’re doing well for yourself, Nicolette. You look like you’ve got a good thing going.”

Always temporarily sidetracked by a compliment, the older woman smoothed her dress and smiled. “I am. He’s a doctor. But this has nothing to do with him,” she said, getting back on track.

Abby sighed inwardly, having forgotten how focused Nicolette could be when money was at stake, or when she was feeling panicked. Nicolette looked good for her age, no one could deny it. But she was an aging ex-showgirl in a town full of younger talent and she obviously felt like she lacked the type of stability that comes from having a lot zeroes in your bank account.

Maybe the doctor was getting tired of her. God knew Abby certainly was.

“Nicolette,” Abby said sternly. “This is a game you don’t know how to play.”

And it was true. Nicolette Boudreaux Raines always wanted more than she had and she always played high stakes. The trouble was, she never understood that the House always wins.

“Abby, we could try again,” Nicolette pleaded. “I know…I know I wasn’t always the best mother.”

“Or ever.”

Undeterred, Nicolette put on her best matronly face. “You could stay,” she said. “We could spend some time together. We could….reconnect.”

“I have a life. And it’s not here.”

Nicolette scoffed. “Nebraska is hardly-”

“South Dakota.”

Nicolette laughed, sharp and brittle. “Is there a difference? Abby, this is Las Vegas. This is home. This is-”

“I have someone,” Abby confided.

Nicolette actually looked surprised.

“I have someone and he’s all I want.”

Nicolette was silent for a moment. Doubtless trying to figure out why anyone would choose love over money. “Abby,” she said in a voice verging on condescension. “You haven’t even known him that long.”

“I’ve known him long enough.”

Nicolette sighed, irritated. “Abby, you can’t possibly care that much for him. And if he cared about you at all, really cared, he would want you to have-”

Abby snatched the envelope from Nicolette and started to crumple it. Nicolette grabbed her wrist. “Do not throw away your future,” she hissed.

“My relationship isn’t for sale, Nicolette.”

Behind them, someone cleared their throat and both women turned to notice that the rest of the group had finished breakfast and had come back to the suite.

Nicolette rearranged her features into a beatific smile and patted Abby’s hand that was holding the envelope. “We’ll talk more before you leave,” she told Abby and breezed out the room.

Mark crossed the sitting room toward Abby. “Everything okay?” he asked.

Abby nodded. “Fine. Honestly.”

“Who was that?” Hawk asked.

“No one,” Abby insisted. To Sarah she said, “Ready to go shopping?”


Abby sipped her Bahama Mama and giggled at Shooter trying valiantly to hide his wife’s ass from the general public. Abby had convinced Sarah that she could still look sexy in a bathing suit, despite her scars. They just had to find the right one. Claudia, the boutique owner, had come through with a hot little Brazilian suit that had side cutouts and a nearly thong back, but covered Sarah’s chest and stomach.

Beyond Shooter’s shoulder Abby saw two large men wearing suits and ties, at odds with the pools casual dress code, coming toward the table. Mark, ever attuned to her moods, swiveled his gaze to the approaching men. He tensed, but Abby leaned back in her chair.

“Ms. Raines,” the older one said.

“Jack,” she drawled. Jack Tallant was completely loyal to the Dugan family, but Abby wasn’t about to let him get away with acting as though they barely knew each other.

Jack’s only visible reaction to the familiarity was a slight twitch in his jaw.

“The Dugans would like to see you,” Jack announced.

Abby smiled. “I’m assuming I have time to change.”

Jack grunted something that might have been a yes and Abby stood up. Mark began to get up, as well, but Abby put her hand on his shoulder. “Stay,” she told him. “They’ll just make you sit in a waiting room. You won’t see anything exciting.” She gave Mark a kiss on the cheek and picked up her towel that she’d draped over the chair. Tightening it around her, she was escorted back into the hotel and toward the elevators.

At the suite, she quickly changed into a pair of linen trousers, black high heels, and a cream colored silk button down blouse. She grabbed her purse, double checked to make sure Nicolette’s half-crumpled envelope was still tucked safely inside, and made her way back to the sitting room where Jack and Jack’s Shadow were patiently waiting for her. She didn’t bother to remind them that she knew perfectly well where the hotel’s administration offices were located.