Page 6 of Wanted By You

It’s always been my go-to when I’m looking for a quick night with a quick fella.

But not tonight.

Tonight, I’m just hoping to let loose and have a few drinks.

Shaking my hair out into neater waves, I slap on a full face of makeup with hot red lips. I grab my leather jacket, stuffing a few cards and cash in the inner pockets with my phone. I slip into my favorite red pumps, and I’m out the door.

But not before giving Frankie a big smooch. “I’ll be home in a few hours. Be good, and you stay off the counter, mister. I love you,” I scold him with love before I close and lock the door.

My Uber pulls up, and before I know it, I’m outside a jam-packed Tavern Nine. Tipping the driver, I slide out and saunter to the front door. The bouncer studies me, up and down with a grin and—not even bothering to check my ID—lets me in.

The band is already playing their set as I make a beeline straight to the bar where Garrett’s waving me over while simultaneously pointing to the far corner. I turn.Crap.

Madison and Colt are here.

I’m going to need a few strong drinks in me if I’m going to stick around here tonight.



The band starts theirset, and the whole night takes off.

It’s early, not even after nine, but I’m about ready to go. I’m tired, and I’ve already been asked to fuck in the bathroom by averyhorny cougar—who had to be in her fifties with a big ass margarita in hand.

“I can’t believe that chick asked if she couldclimb you like a tree, Butch.” Tanner shakes his head, still in shock.

Stan nudges his arm. “Kid, that was nochick, that was awoman. A prime cougar in her natural habitat looking for a log to perch on.” He laughs at his shit joke, clinking glasses with Tanner as they down their shots.

I scan the bar, not seeing anything worthwhile. Which is saying a lot since the place is packed shoulder to shoulder full of people. But I do catch sight of Garrett Clark and a few of his buddies sitting at the bar.

And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have an itch for a fight tonight.

Reading my thoughts, Stan snorts. “Reel it in, Butch. You’re not winning any points beating the shit out of Garrett Clark.”

“Points with who?” Tanner asks quickly, and too curiously for my liking.

I snarl, “None of your fuckin’ business.”

Stan chuckles darkly. “Someone’s in a mood tonight.”

“He’s always in a fuckin’ mood.” Duke, my younger brother, laughs heartily, slapping me on the shoulder. “How the hell are ya, bro?”

“Fine,” I grunt, taking a swig of my beer.

Duke is only a year younger than me, but we might as well be twins with how alike we appear at first glance. He owns and operates a mechanic shop right in the center of town. About the only difference between us might be our personalities at this point—aside from my beard and his short scruff.

There are five of us Montgomery sons. In running order; myself, at thirty-four, I ownMontgomery Logging. Duke at thirty-three, owningMontgomery Repair & Towing. Beau at thirty-two, with a few vacation rental cabins running while he’s enlisted in the Army, currently stationed overseas. Rhett at thirty and Levi at twenty-eight, both owningMontgomery Construction & Lumberthat they operate together.

We’ve got a sister, Lily, who’s the youngest at twenty-five. Lily’s got a son, my nephew, Parker. He just turned three when she moved back home with our parents so they can help her raise him. Parker’s father, Chet, left for an oil job in Texas. That was over a year ago, and no one’s heard from dead-beat-Chet since.

It also doesn’t surprise me one bit that Lily’s here with a large group of her friends, dancing and watching the band play. When she should be home with her son, considering she was just here last night.

“You scoped out any ass for the night?” Duke chuckles, swigging his beer in hand.

My jaw tightens. I might settle for busting my brother’s nose over Garrett’s tonight. A welcome change, if I do say so. Before I can rattle off some fighting words, Stan backhands me in the chest. “Holy shit—look who just walked in.”

I glance over to the front door, scanning the crowd. That’s when I see her—a ray of sunshine beaming through a dark cloud.Cassidy’s here. And like the seas parting to let me get a better look at her, the crowd shifts, giving me a clear view of her for a good moment.