Page 7 of Wanted By You

And,fuck, she is stunning tonight.

I feel it in my cock as I take in the sight of her from head to toe. She does a quick survey around the bar. For a second, I worry she might be here for a date, but when she starts making her way over to Garrett, I breathe a sigh of relief.

“This might be your shot, man,” Stan tells me. “It’s two-for-one margaritas. Ya gotta know that’s why she’s here.”

“Wait.” Duke’s brow furrows, gesturing to Cassidy leaning over the bar with her perfect ass popped out talking to the bartender. “You got the hots for Cassidy Clark? Don’t you beat the shit out of her brother all the time?”

There goes that vault kept secret.

Tanner starts to snicker. I shoot him a glare with a low growl in warning that shuts his ass right up. “No,” I say. “I don’t beat the shit out of himall the time. Just when he wants to start shit.”

Stan laughs.

Duke grins. “Damn, Butch, I didn’t know you could have a crush anymore. Thought you planned to die alone on that mountain.”

“She wroteSmile, Assholeon his cup yesterday,” Stan blurts out to Duke like he’s been holding that in for more than a damn day. “Even put a little heart over the ‘I’ for him.”

Duke chuckles, dragging over a seat. “Yeah, this could be a good use of my Saturday night.” Looking back over to where our sister is dancing with her friends, he adds, “Why don’t you ask if Lily can hook y’all up? They used to hang out in high school. I mean, it’s been a while, but I’m sure she could work some magic for ya.”

“No,” I deadpan. Knowing damn well the second Lily hears about this, the whole goddamn town is going to know. Which means Cassidy will know, and I’m not going to find another place to get my morning coffee on the way to work. Hell, I started going there for her to begin with.

Now, I love the coffee, food, and the sight of her each morning to start my day.

“Come on, Butch. This is probably the first time you’ve seen her outside the coffee shop in…how long? You’ve got to make a move,” Stan points out.

He’s not entirely wrong. I’m thinking the same thing.

Duke nods. “Stan’s right, bro.” Glancing over to Cassidy downing a shot of tequila with her brother and laughing while he hands her one of two strawberry margaritas on the bar. “And if you don’t, I might just have to say hello myself.”

A growl works its way out of my throat before I can think otherwise. I lunge forward, pushing my chair back with a loud scrape and grab him by the collar of his shirt. “You try and I’ll knock your fuckin’ teeth out.”

Duke booms with laughter, holding his hands up in surrender. “I said, I’d go sayhello. I didn’t say I’d try anything. You’re callin’ dibs, I get it.”

I shove my hold off him, sitting back down at the pub table we got along the wall with a grunt.He’s just messing with me, I tell myself. Duke’s not even looking for anything.

Fuck.I’m sitting here acting like she’s already mine when she’s not.


“All right, so what’s the plan?” Stan asks with a littletoomuch excitement, yet again. “We can wait it out a bit, make sure she’s got a few drinks in her first.”

“Yeah, but then some other prick might swoop in,” Tanner says, nodding to the bar. “Like this dipshit now.”

We all turn to watch some guy I don’t recognize walk over to Cassidy. A tourist, maybe? He leans over, smiles, and whispers something in her ear while placing a hand on her lower back. My jaw clenches at the sight, and my hold on my beer tightens. Cassidy jerks back, shaking her head and saying something to the guy. He nods and walks away.

Cassidy rolls her beautiful eyes and chugs her margarita, grabbing her second.

“Well, damn, that was a fast shutdown,” Stan says, and I cringe. It was.

I don’t think I’ve ever been shot down like that before. What the hell would I do if she did that to me? Three years I’ve told myself I need to get my shot in with this chick. For threeyearsI’ve wanted her.

I…can’t imagine never having a chance to make her mine.

Duke shifts his seat until we all kind of angle our stools to watch the bar where Cassidy is. “I say wait until she’s had at least three,” my brother states.

“Nah, she’s already had two shots and one margarita,” Stan counters. “She’ll be spent after two with how strong the bartender is making those tonight. Did you see the amount of tequila he was pouring in that blender?”

“She might have a high tolerance,” Tanner reasons. “Garrett can drink like no fucker I’ve ever met.”