I tried to process, but nothing made sense. It was like I’d wandered into some new vampire reality where up was down and down was picnic. Or shoe. Or some other illogical bullcrap.

“Why didn’t Jimmie tell me?” I muttered. “And how come I’ve never seen you ’round before?”

“I very rarely came by the bar. If I wanted to see your uncle, I went to his home. And I highly doubt your uncle felt you would believe him if he had told you.”

I scratched my head. Stark had an answer for everything. On the other hand, I usually worked day shifts up until recently.

“Who do you think told him it was time to retire and give you the Rooster?” Stark said. “I wanted you to have a reason to stay, Masie. I had to see how this would play out. And if you understood why—how special Anna was—you’d understand.”

My world was crumbling around me. Uncle Jimmie hadn’t given me the bar because he believed in me. He’d been told to do it. By a vampire!

I should’ve known. Uncle Jimmie didn’t believe in handouts. I mean, community charity was one thing, but handouts no. He believed everyone had to work hard for what they wanted in life. I hadn’t even questioned his sudden change of heart.

“I want to go home now,” I said, knowing I’d finally hit a wall. There was no space left to hide my emotions.


“Take me home, Stark. Now!” I yelled.

His expression softened to neutral.

I stepped around him, marching down the staircase toward the front door.

Stark was there before I reached it. “Don’t you wish to say hi, Masie? Your father is just in the other room, and I know he misses you.”

I stilled, but my heart thumped wildly. “He’s here?”

“It was going to be a surprise after the tests. Of course, that is all unnecessary now. Anna refused me, too, before marriage. Just as you have tonight. She demanded to remain pure, though her heart was anything but. Her loss, her sorrow, her darkness lived deep within her soul, and she struggled every day of her existence to overcome them. Her desire to do her best for those around her defined her. And you are like her in every way.”

Stark looked over his shoulder. “You may come out now.”

Severalpeoplefrom the restaurant came around the corner, staring with reserved expressions. They’d been here the entire time, watching us.

My eyes gravitated to a face in the back of the group.

“Daddy?” My lower lip quivered, and my eyes filled with tears.


I rushed toward him, shoving the “people” out of the way. My dad wrapped his arms around me, cocooning me in a hug. He was cold to the touch, but I didn’t care. I’d spent the last decade missing him.

He pulled back. “Let me get a good look at you.”

He studied my face, and I studied him back.

His beard was short, and his hair was unkempt like always. His arms and shoulders were those of a man who worked hard physically.

“You look exactly like I remember,” I said.

His light brown eyes glowed with affection. “Being a vampire’ll do that to ya.”

“But how? And why didn’t you come see me?”

“It’s against the rules, and I wouldn’t dare break them. Not when you would be the one to pay the price.”

I went in for another hug. “I missed you so much,” I sobbed. “Every minute of every day.”

He stroked the back of my hair. “I know, baby. But I was always there watchin’ over you.”