“Until I turned her, yes.”

So they had been together as human and vampire first. “How did she end up the queen?”

“Because she wanted to be and inspired the masses. Now choose a room,” he commanded.

I walked toward him and looked up, defiance in my eyes. “No.”

Irritation flickered across his face. “Why not?”

“Because the only man who gets to have me will be my husband. No one else.”

He tilted his head to one side. “You are a…virgin?”

I lifted my chin. “So?”

He took three steps back. “But how?”

I frowned, disliking his reaction. “Kind of feels self-explanatory, Stark. I keep my legs closed.”

“That is not what I meant.” He exhaled sharply. “Masie, I’d planned to bed you. Tonight.”

“Well, too bad. I said no, and I mean it.”

“I can give you anything you want, but this must happen.”

Sweet Lord. Is this man serious?My morals and virginity couldn’t be bought. “Then I want my own dang country,” I said sarcastically.


“And a billion dollars,” I added.

“Done. But the currency will be in gold coin. Anything else?” he asked.

I was actually getting angry. He honestly thought he could buy me. “Since you’re playing God and granting wishes, I want my father brought back to life.”

His demeanor completely changed to stone-cold serious. “Yes.”

I shook my head. “I can’t believe I agreed to come here.” I tried to walk around him and leave.

He blocked me with his large frame. “I am being serious, Masie.”

“Well, I wasn’t. I can’t be purchased like one of your antiques or…or stupid plug-ins. And for the record, I would never—and I meannever—Pet Sematarymy dad. I loved him, and he’s resting peacefully.”

Stark stared with a strange, almost uneasy look in his eyes. “When Miles had the heart attack, your uncle Jimmie was there.” He paused. “So was I.”

My knees went soft, and my body felt like it was about to shut down. What was he saying?

Stark went on, “Your uncle asked me to save him, just like you asked me to save your uncle. But for your father, it was too late. Miles’s heart barely had a beat.”

I covered my gasp with my hand. Stark turned my dad? “You’re lying. He would never ask you to do that. Uncle Jimmie didn’t even know for sure vampires existed until yesterday.”

As I spoke, I remembered my uncle’s odd reaction after Stark saved him. He didn’t seem shocked or rattled by it.

“Of course he knew. We’ve been friends ever since.”

I frowned, my mind spinning. “My dad died when I was fifteen. You said you only moved to town a few years ago.”

“A play on words.” He shrugged. “Few. Ten. Fifteen years. Not much difference when you are me.”