"Tell me how you want it, Sunshine," he said.

He ran the head of his cock through my slick drenched slit, his own arousal mixing in with mine.

"Give it all to me Bash," I begged, needing to feel him.

I needed him to take my breath away, to give me all of him again, just like he did every single day.

He slammed forward, fucking me hard and fast, lifting my hips to hit even deeper.

We were both a mess as we wrung each other out, creating a slicked soaked nest the way only two omegas could.

By the time we were finished there wasn’t a dry spot on our bodies between the toe-curling sex and sweat we’d worked up.

As I laid in Bash’s arms, my head on his chest as we came down, I was once again rocked with a wave of gratitude that I met this pack. That I met someone like Bash who understood me on an instinctual level without having to say a word.

"You're my omega, Sunshine,” Bash said, stroking his thumb against our bond mark.

"And you're mine."

Together we had something special, and with our pack we had it all.



Do you know when you wake up, and you have that feeling that it’s going to be the best day ever?

That’s the feeling I had when I woke up surrounded by my mates.

It didn’t matter that Theo had had an accident during the middle of the night, or that Bash had burned breakfast. It didn’t matter that my time of the month had decided to make an appearance, or that someone washed Theo’s fireman costume with the rest of the clothes, and now they were dyed a slight pink color.

All that mattered was that we were together.

Together we could figure out everything.

Miller had swooped in and taken care of Theo, consoling him when he cried, letting him know that accidents happened. When they came out in near matching outfits, my heart just about died.

They both had bright yellow button-downs on with blue shorts. A small pair of sunglasses even sat on top of Theo’s head, exactly where Miller had his own pair of aviators.

Dean stepped in and made something edible, while Cole got me medicine and water taking a seat next to me. His leg was feeling a bit better this morning, but none of us wanted him to overdo it since today wasthefestival.

Holiday Hollow’s Summer Festival.

Which was in my top three holidays of the year. In fact, when I was younger, I used to say that they had named the festival after me. That it was a day celebrating me.

And even if it technically wasn’t, it still felt like that.

The fact that Miles had chosen this as his date, wanting to make it a family event was even more special.

After we pulled together and got everyone fed, I went upstairs to change, only to be bombarded by Bash who took the liberty of changing me into a dress I’ve never seen, which was surprisingly the same color of the shirts I’d seen on Theo and Miller, before disappearing to get dressed himself.

I left my hair down, grabbing my trusty hat, knowing that it was going to be a sunny day.

To my surprise, I found all of them waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, the six of them in matching outfits. Considering that they were all different sizes, it was an impressive feat.


“I read that when going to festivals with children it sometimes helps to wear matching colors so that they can find their group easily,” Miles said proudly.