“I love it,” I told him, giving my beta a kiss before slipping my hand into his. “Thank you.”

“See mom,” Theo said excitedly. “I match my dads.”

A hand came to my mouth, as I felt the surprise and love flood from every single direction of my bonds.

The smiles full of love every single person shot me, and Theo turning what could have been a stressful morning into one of the best of my life.

“You do, buddy,” I said, barely holding it together. “You look amazing just like your daddies. Are you ready to go have some fun?”

He let out a little cheer before Dean picked him up and whispered something in his ear before we all went and loaded up outside.

Because of course, in addition to having my car back, stunning new paint job and all, the pack had decided to buy a minivan so that we could all ride together.

We rode to the fairgrounds to the sounds of Bash and Theo belting out every word to an array of songs, the kid friendly versions of course.

When we got there my excitement matched Theo’s, both of us practically vibrating with it.

The festival was just like I remembered, and I couldn't believe I never came back home for it.

Yellow sunflowers were the theme this year, more sunny yellow to fill our day. They were decorating nearly every inch of the fair grounds. The carnival rides and games were set up to one side while the booths were on the right.

When I was younger the carnival was what drew me in, but as I got older I couldn't resist all the local booths.

Again, I was torn.

"Theo wants the rides, why don't you let a few of his dads take him and I'll stick with you and Cole who shouldn't be running after anyone," Miles said, giving him a look that told him not to argue.

Cole chuckled and held his hands up.

"Alright, alright, you win. What do you think, Summer?"

Even as a pack they made sure I had final say when it came to Theo. I hoped it wasn't always that way, their opinions mattered too, but for now I was grateful.

"He's fast, keep an eye on him, and Theo, you listen to instructions." I gave my best mom face, and he nodded sagely like he wouldn't forget it in a few seconds. Miller took his hand and they gave me a little wave before disappearing into the crowd with Bash and Dean behind them.

He was in good hands.

Cole took one hand and Miles the other as we slowly made our way over to the town booths. I saw Grandma set up at the end with Lindsay helping, selling some of their famous pies. Claire was selling some of her coffees and treats, while the booth next to her was her alpha's chocolate, the other pack mates drifting between the two.

"Oh my god, do you remember these?" I hissed at Cole, letting go of their hands to rush ahead. The old woman had been selling these beaded bracelets since we were kids. I had an entire collection tucked away somewhere at Beatty's.

"You used to have a rainbow of them on your arm at all times," Cole agreed. "I added a few to that collection."

My smile was glowing as I picked out several, trying them on to see if I liked them. Somehow I managed to only pick ten.

"They look lovely on you," the woman said as she handed me my change.

"Thank you," I said, giving her a small wave that glimmered in the summer sun.

"What is this?" Miles asked, voice quiet as he moved forward.

An artist was working, painting a gorgeous portrait of a pack and their two squirming kids. Though from his skill you'd never guess they did anything, but stand still. He worked with practiced precision, bringing the painting to life in record time.

We stayed and watched, Miles entranced, until he finished. There was a crowd watching, but everyone disappeared as he wrapped up final details with the pack he'd been painting. When he finished, he turned to us.

"Your turn?"

"Well, we will have to drag our kiddo off the rides first. Can we book a time?"