I loved Bash, more than anything else. But our first kiss, my first kiss, had done absolutely nothing.
At first, I thought it might be just because he was a man, but I tried my hand at dating women too, at Bash’s insistence, and after the fifth time I came home after the first date, I’d finally put my foot down to my then roommate. It was too much time wasted not studying or spending time with my best friend.
But yesterday, everything I thought I knew about myself changed.
Summer was it for me.
I couldn’t explain how I knew. I just knew. It was a feeling, one that was objective and subjective at the same time, and the thought kept spinning around in my head all morning that I’d barely been able to get any work done.
Honestly, I was impressed with myself that I managed to function normally yesterday. Thankfully, I had my pack around me, and I could focus on Theo and her.
They were both mine. Without an ounce of doubt, they were mine.
And for the first time in my life I wanted someone. Two someones, yes. But Iwanted, Summer.
I was surprised she didn’t catch me staring at her yesterday when I was counting the eight freckles that fell across her nose or the two tones of blue, one sapphire and the other a light topaz, that made up her gorgeous iris.
I had heard my mum speak about finding her mates when I was younger, but I thought it was a pipe dream, a fairy tale. But apparently, there was still a bit of luck in the world that had blessed me with this fate.
I didn’t know her scent, but I didn’t need to. I already knew what it would tell me.
Of course, I had immediately told Cole, and you know what he did? He smiled. My alpha smiled and put an arm around my shoulder and wished me the best. He’d told me that Summer would be lucky to have a beta like me, and then he told me her favorite type of candy, which I’d promptly picked up this morning at the corner store on our walk to work.
“Are you going to keep staring at the monitor all day, or are you going to call her?” Miller asked from the doorway, shaking me out of my musings.
“Do you think she wants to hear from me?”
Miller gave me a patient look, his brow furrowing the way it did when he was struggling to maintain his expression.
“Someone needs to call her about her quote. I can do it, but I think she’ll have an easier time accepting it if it comes from you. I’m going with Dean to look at a ride he wants to restore. Do you have this?”
I blew out a breath, counting backward from five in my head.
“I’ve got it,” I reassured him. “I’ll take care of her. Go with Dean.”
“I know you will,” he said, slapping a hand on the door frame before heading out.
Before I could overthink anything else, I picked up the phone and rang Summer.
“Morning, Miles,” she answered, my name on her lips easing my shoulders already.
“Good morning,” I said, noticing the background noise. “Is now a good time?”
“Sure, I’m just at the park with Theo, but he’s on a mission to make sure each of his trucks gets a fair number of turns down the slide.”
“Miller has your estimate ready. I can bring it by today to review if that works? We’ll need you to sign off on the repairs before we start.”
I knew the guys wanted to completely overhaul the car, but they wouldn’t start radically changing her property without her approval.
“Oh, I can just stop by after this if you don’t mind me bringing Theo with me?” she asked. “No need for you to make a separate trip when I’m already out and close.”
“You won’t find a single one of us in the shop who wouldn’t want to see both of you.”
A small laugh spilled from her lips. “I’ll see you in a few, Miles.”
Knowing that she was on her way, I managed to get the numbers done for one of the franchise shops upstate and had moved on to trying to figure out the error with the appointment reservation form on the website by the time she knocked on my door.
“Is it alright if I come in?”