"I liked it too," I promised. And I meant it.

“What did you think about the pack?” he questioned, and I could see how much the answer meant to him.

"The pack is great." I said, part of me wanting to tell him right then and there they were my scent matches too. But it felt like too much at once, and I wanted a moment of just us, to make sure that we could forge this new path forward.

I’d already had another therapy session to talk through everything that had happened, and it was helping to deal with some of the misplaced guilt that I felt.

"They are," he agreed, giving me one more kiss. "This is a new beginning for us, Shortcake. I promise."

I watched him leave as I had once before, but this time I knew he would be back. That they all would.

Still, the house felt so quiet and empty without them here. With a sigh I forced myself to go back inside. I stopped long enough to check on Theo, who was passed out starfish style on his bed, blanket thrown aside and curls wild and crazy. He was perfect.

I'd barely finished showering and changing into comfortable pajamas when my phone was going off.

Dean: I hope that wasn't too much for you. We mean well

He was too sweet for his own good. I didn't want him to beat himself up so I quickly typed out a response.

Summer: I had a great time. Promise. I'm glad you came

Miller: We definitely won over Theo with that track.

It was then that I realized it was a group message, and not just a group message but an entire pack thread, as Bash renamed the group and added a picture of the two of us he’d somehow snapped during the night. He was smiling broadly at the camera, and I was looking off to the side, mid-laugh.

Summer: Oh, absolutely. He'll be begging to play with it the moment the sun comes up.

Miles: We'll have to do a bonfire soon, complete with s'mores. That was one of my favorite things as a child.

Summer: Sure, feed him sugar and go home. He'll be up all night.

I made sure to put a laughing emoji so he knew I was kidding.

Summer: Also don’t think I didn’t notice that photo Bash, do I need to be worried about you taking creepy photos of me when I sleep? Because that’s a dealbreaker.

Bash: Sounds like the perfect excuse for a campout in the backyard then. Between all of us we'll wear him out. And don’t worry, Sunshine. If I ever get the privilege of seeing you sleep, I’ll be cuddled right up next to you.

Miles: Camping in our yard is a perfect solution to make all those things happen.

Bash: I know

Dean: So humble, Bash

Bash: You love it

Miller: Let's let poor Summer sleep. She's had enough of us today.

Little did he know I was grinning like a fool. They sent a few more sweet messages about the time we spent together and goodnights, but I couldn't shake the warm happiness that settled in my chest. I may not have admitted it yet, but this pack was quickly becoming another reason for staying, not just Cole.



There was a feeling in my chest I couldn’t shake.

I didn’t like things that I couldn’t explain, things that didn’t add up into tidy rows. At least not in my life. With my pack brothers, I could handle whatever issues they were going through with ease, my outside perspective and level-headed thinking making me an asset most of them come to.

When I was younger, I thought something was wrong with me, that maybe I didn’t function the way that most people did when it came to physical attraction.