I didn’t use our safe word. I trusted my husband implicitly, no matter what he decided to do here, and never felt trulyat risk from him. And I couldn’t deny how my body was lit up and aflame as much as I had been with his fingers in me.

Ren didn’t say a word, watching my face and letting the blade do his talking for him as he scored the delicate tip of it a hair’sbreadth from my skin along to something that a knife should never,everbe allowed near.

My mouth went even drier.


He circled the knife’s point around my emptied balls and deflated cock – that now wasn’t so lifeless after all, and was even fuckingswelling– and hummed out his approval of my body’s humiliating reaction. I flushed.

“Actually, there is one thing you can do,” Ren murmured down at me, making me hiss when he tapped the flat of the blade against the far too sensitive skin of my cock. Then he quickly pulled away when it tried to twitch in enthusiastic response. The relief at realising todaywasn’ta day he wanted to see me bleed swiftly evaporated when he tossed the knife away, mounted my hips, and drove himself fully inside me in a single thrust.

“Scream for me, perfect husband of mine,” Ren growled, but I was already way ahead of him, my cry echoing through the chamber. He kissed me messily and hungrily, fucking me into the floor with a feral brutality that had seemed to unleashin him the moment he let go of the knife, as if the responsibility of holding it steady had been the only thing keeping the animal inside of him in check. Flesh slapped against flesh and stone, with Ren not caring about our comfort as he ruthlessly drove us both towards release.

Warmth blossomed deep inside and Ren stiffened and groaned above me. Yet he’d barely caught his breath before taking me in hand, and it was to him telling me howfucking good I looked taking his cockthat I came for a second time just like he’d promised, pain and pleasure wrapping around every inch of my skin and setting me alight.


Chapter Twenty-Four

With Ren’s collar refastened so it sat comfortably around his throat instead of restricting it, his head now rested on my outstretched arm where we lay on our backs on the floor. Mussed tresses of dark hair trailed whisper-soft kisses against my skin.

“Thanks, Nat,” he said softly, rolling towards me and capturing me in his affectionate gaze. “I needed that.”

“Me too,” I murmured. I had. I’d spent the day on edge, terrified of both my husband’s fate and the expectations of our people on my own shoulders in his absence, convinced I was going to fuck up irrevocably. But Ren never let me overthink when we were playing – he never let me overthink, period, but during sex I at leastsometimeslistened to him – and it had felt good to allow my mind and body to be guided by sensation rather than thought.

I raised my head, caught sight of the complete mess we’d made, and dropped it back down to the floor in defeat. “Urgh. This is going to take forever to clean up.”

“That’s why we have servants, darling.”

I gave him a disgusted look. Wiping bodily fluids from the covers of ancient books was not what the palace staff had been hired for.

He just snickered. “That’s why we have servants who are paid extremelywell, darling.”

Ren snuggled in closer and began to play with the collar of my shirt. His fingers teased the fabric, tickling my throat. My clothes were dishevelled from where he’d torn them open to get to me, but my husband was still gloriously naked and I drank in the sight, lightly tracing a hand over his bare hip.

When I heard his stomach growl, I fished my other hand into my pocket. “Here,” I said, pulling out two of the snow pea pods Wyatt had gifted me. “You didn’t miss dinner with me, after all.”

Ren made no effort to move, merely opening his mouth expectantly. I rolled my eyes but he waggled his tongue and patiently waited me out until I’d lifted one of the pods to his mouth and fed it to him one crunchy bite at a time.

Then it was his turn to sigh. “As much as I’d love to spend another few hours down here debauching you further, we should get back. I have to figure out a way to deal with the Lukian delegation.”

“Your councillors are adept,” I reminded him. “I’m sure they’ve got it in hand.”

“Hmm? Oh, you mean myformercouncillors?” Ren gave a lazy shrug where he was draped over me. “I dismissed them all from my service this morning.”

I stared at him. “Why?”

Ren’s expression turned dangerous, his lip curling and his eyes flashing with a normally hidden darkness. “Because they spoke ill of you.”

Fondness tugged at my insides, but as sexy as his protectiveness was, it was also illogical and impulsive. Two thingsI’dnormallybe accused of. “You can’t just…you can’t just dismiss your whole Council, Ren.”

“Why not?” he demanded. “I pay them to advise me in my rule.Notto bleat bullshit about how I should go behind your back and fuck some random woman, just so I can have a child to name as my heir.”

“I’m sure they didn’t intend for you to do it behind my back…”

“I don’t care about theirintentions,Nat. They insulted you. Disrespected you. You’re myhusband,and I’m not going to push you or my promises of monogamy to the side just because our marriage is inconvenient for them. You come first, always.”

My heart swelled. I hadn’t realised how much it would mean to me to hear that until he’d said it. Of course I’d hated the idea of him siring an heir with someone else, but I’d known marrying a king – marryingRen –was never going to be easy or simple. And if he’d asked it of me…how could I have refused?