Travis is quick to hand me a plate and urge me closer. He slaps my ass and tells me to eat well, or I'll make his momma sad. He urges Elias forward, too. He knows how much he loves Darleen's cooking and is more than happy to share his mom's culinary skills with the two men he's joined with to love me.
I look around at the happy groups that have come together through love.
Our brand of relationships might not be considered normal, but I don't care what anyone else thinks.
We're not playing games. We're making a future filled with friendship, commitment, hope, and love.
I can't wait to see what happens next because I know I have Dornan, Elias, and Travis by my side through thick and thin.
No more games.
We're playing for keeps.
“Remind me again why we can’t just buy Celine flowers and chocolates and take her out for a nice meal before fucking her senseless.” I rest my arms over the back of Travis’s couch, waiting for Dornan to explain the anniversary plans again. It’s not that I’m unaware of the plans. It’s just that I don’t fully understand what he and Travis have cooked up between them.
“Celine isn’t a flowers and chocolates kind of girl. She’s kinky as fuck and likes playing games. Isn’t that how we got here in the first place?”
“I bought her flowers last week,” I remind him, “and she liked them so much she sucked my cock kneeling on the kitchen floor.”
“I remember,” Dornan says. “Watching it was hot as fuck.”
My mind replays the image of Celine at my feet with her pretty pouty lips wrapped around my dick, my hand in her hair, and her palms braced on my thighs. It’s enough to make me fully hard, and Dornan adjusts his own cock as the memory has the same effect on him.
“So, why do you and Travis think setting up a games night will be better?”
“Because it shows some imagination, and we want it to be memorable. She’s practically killed herself this year trying to finish her course with decent grades and working to pay the bills. It’s time for us to let off some steam and remember how to have fun.”
I shake my head, even as I hear his point. This year has been tough for all of us. Dornan, Celine, and I have been working towards graduating. Travis has been working hard to get a promotion. It’s been a time where we’ve all had our noses to the grindstone, and now it’s over. We’re taking some time out for a vacation, so it makes sense to create some light-heartedness in our lives.
I bring my foot to rest on my knee, smiling as Celine sings in the shower. The apartment is spacious for a one-bedroom, but we need to get our asses in gear and upgrade to a two or three-bed at least. Not that I want to sleep away from my girl, but it would help to have some additional living space.
“So, what are the games?”
“You’ll see,” Dornan says. “You’ll see.”
“What are you doing with a blindfold?” Celine’s eyes dart around at all of us as Travis approaches her with a red satin strip gripped in both his hands. She’s perched on the edge of the couch, posture rigid and cheeks flushed.
“Do you trust me?” he asks.
“Of course.”
“So, just go with it.”
Her lips part, but whatever she was about to say dies on her tongue as Travis presses the soft material over her eyes and ties it securely behind her head. Her red curls erupt from beneath it like a ball of fire, and she licks her lips, gripping her hands together in her lap.
“So, this is our anniversary celebration?” She sounds as confused as I did when Dornan explained.
“We’re going to play some games, Celine, because we know how much you love them.” Travis touches her cheek tenderly, a soft, affectionate smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “And if you do well, we have another surprise for you.”
“I’m never going to live the start of our relationship down, am I?” She says it with a bite to her voice, but it’s followed by a grin. She loves reminding us about all the games we played that brought us together. Like her friends Ellie and Gabriella, she’s happy to have a fun relationship origin story.
Travis strokes his thumb across Celine’s bottom lip and turns to Dornan, who’s ready with the tray.