Page 92 of Huge Games

I snicker because she has no idea just how much I love his bossiness. I'm grateful that she's never asked me if Travis's kinky porn mags are reflected in our sex life! It's probably because she'd find her brother's sex life a gross topic to broach.

It takes thirty minutes for all my stuff to be taken upstairs. My men won't let me lift a finger, so I sit in the kitchen, eating chocolate muffins and strawberries while Darleen tells me about the trip she's planning with her boyfriend, Lucas.

When Elias and Dornan leave for practice, I make my excuses and head to the mall.

The same hairdresser who dyed my hair chestnut leads me to a chair. "What am I doing today? Touching up your roots?"

I shake my head, grinning at her in the mirror. "I want to go back to my natural color."

She smooths her hands over my hair and grins back. "I knew you'd regret losing those beautiful red curls." She fluffs my chestnut curls. "It's going to take some work."

"That's fine," I say. "I enjoyed being a sassy brunette. It was fun. But I like the real me better."

It does take serious work and a lot of hours, but when she's done, my hair is almost the same as it was before. The color is slightly darker than my natural shade, but it's fine. It'll probably fade a little over time, anyway.

"My boyfriends are going to have a heart attack when they see me."

"Boyfriends?" She frowns, but then her face splits into a broad grin. "Boyfriends plural…those sexy boys you showed me last time?"

I laugh and scrunch my curls, so happy to have them back, already anticipating how Elias, Travis, and Dornan are going to react. "Yes. All those sexy boys."

"Good for you." She rests her hands on her wide hips. "If I was a few years younger…"

"I don't think there's an upper age limit to harem living," I say. "You just need to find men who like to share."

"It's not easy to find one man at my age who doesn't snore. Forget about men who want to share."

We both laugh, but I tell her not to give up on the idea. I never thought I'd find the kind of love I have.

I use my new key to open the door at Travis's family home—my home now. Inside, the TV is on at full volume, and a sportscaster is roaring out a play-by-play commentary. Men's voices rumble, and the sound of the extractor in the kitchen builds it into a cacophony of sound.

I make my way down the hall, finding Gabriella and Ellie in the kitchen with Darleen and Dalton. There is food everywhere. Dalton has his sleeves rolled up, revealing the intricate tattoos that his brother has inked for him over the years. He lifts a large tray of food from the oven and the steam is so intense, he has to hold it far away from his body.

Gabriella's the first one to notice my transformation.

"Your hair!" she gasps, leaving the salad she was dressing to look at me. "I'm so happy you're red again."

"Me, too," I smile, already feeling more like myself.

Travis, hearing the commotion, looks up from the game, his mouth falling open in shock. Ignoring the screen, he rises to look at me, followed closely by Dornan and Elias. "You went back."

"Celine's back," Elias whoops.

"She was only gone for three hours," Darleen laughs. "You guys are too needy."

"Not back back." Travis laughs. "Her hair." He fluffs my curls, making them even crazier than they were when I left the salon.

Dornan touches them, too. It's like they're discovering a rare plant or marveling over an alien from outer space.

"Okay, guys," I laugh, swiping their hands away. "It's just hair."

"No, it isn't," Dornan says. "It's a sign."

He gets it. They all get it, and I kiss them tenderly, oneby one, despite the audience.

"Food's ready," Dalton says, and there's a rumble from all the football-watching men. They fill the kitchen one by one, hovering around the table, waiting for a plate.

Colby, Seb, and Micky ensure Ellie puts her food first, then follow her around the buffet, heaping all the delicious options onto their plates. Kain and Blake compliment Dalton and Darleen for their efforts. The doorbell rings, and it's Lucas, Darleen's boyfriend, coming to join in the fun.