“What are you smiling about?”
“It’s been awhile since I been in your room looks the same.”
“Well I like it and you did too, so I didn’t change anything.” I grab the remote putting the TV on. I flick through the channels and she tells me to stop when she spotted Die Hard one of her favorite movies. I lay down and pull Thea to my body and she rests her head on my chest. Half way through the movie Jasper walks in and he looks irritated. He looks at us and smiles.
“What’s wrong Jasper?”
“I’m tired of dealing with people's stupidity.”
“Amen.” Thea says with a smile.
“How about you join us for a relaxing night.” I told him. Thea and I scooted over so Jasper can join us.
“This feels like old times.” Thea says with a smile.
“Yes it does and we need to do this more often,” Jasper says.
“Yes we do.” I smile when Jasper put his head on my shoulder even though we are men now it’s good to know that he still needs his older brother from time to time.