Page 32 of Temel

She sighed. “I know. That’s one of the reasons we’ve kept to ourselves so much over the past year. But even though I have claimed Angel as mine, eventually the town is going to wonder.”

“I agree that it would be obvious to anyone who spent time with your family.” He hesitated, his hand tightening deliciously on her hip. “I appreciate the fact that you trusted me with the truth, but I don’t quite understand the relevance. It makes no difference to me if you have one child or twenty.”

“I’m glad, but that wasn’t it.” She frowned down at her hands, wondering how to put it. “Even though I’m much older than Dora, in many ways I’ve been just as sheltered. I went straight from my father’s house to my husband’s. This is all very new to me.”

His horns lowered as his brows drew together.

“Are you comparing me to the male who preyed on your daughter?”

“Oh, no,” she said quickly, reaching for his hand. “I’m just afraid that I’ll make an impulsive decision in the… heat of the moment. I don’t know that I trust myself.”

His expression softened, even though he was still frowning.

“I think you underestimate yourself. As you said, you are older than Dora. You are a mature, responsible female. You wouldn’t make foolish decisions.”

She appreciated his confidence, even though the term “mature, responsible female” made her cringe a little.

“I’m not sure you’re right. Do you know how close I was to asking you to make love to me this morning? Right there on your horse.”

Her clit pulsed at the memory and she felt his cock jerk beneath her bottom.

“And who would it have hurt?” he whispered, his thumb resuming the seductive circles on her hip. “I would have been delighted to pleasure you and there was no one around to witness it. Are you afraid that I would leave you with child?”

His hand slid across to her stomach as his cock jerked again.

“My seed is not currently fertile,” he added. “Although even if it were, I would never abandon our child.”

She believed him, but…

“It’s not just that.” She took a deep breath. “I am already very attracted to you. I… care for you, even though we’ve only known each other a short time. If we were… intimate—more intimate—it would be very difficult for me to leave you.”

“What if I didn’t want you to leave?” he asked quietly, and her wretched heart skipped a beat again.

Their eyes locked, then he gently nudged her lower lip with his thumb, freeing it from where she’d clamped down on the soft flesh with her teeth.

“Do you wish to leave now?”

“No,” she said honestly. She wanted to be naked in front of the fire with him, but she reminded herself again that it was too soon—and too dangerous to her fragile heart.

“Then perhaps we should talk instead. I hope the more you get to know me, the less you will fear me.”

“I’m not afraid of you—I’m afraid of myself. Of the way I react when you touch me.”

His lips suddenly twisted as his eyes gleamed wickedly.

“We were taught that the best way to overcome a fear is by exposing yourself to it.”

Her eyes widened.

“What do you mean?”

He flicked his thumb across her nipple, watching her face.

“Is that too much?”

She considered it, then shook her head. The sensation was exciting, but it didn’t make her feel vulnerable.

His eyes still on her face, he began to unbutton her dress. He didn’t rush. One by one he released the buttons, sliding the fabric away from her body to reveal the thin chemise underneath. It was old and well-washed and there was nothing particularly seductive about it, but the way he looked at her made her feel beautiful.