Page 31 of Temel

“You can keep it!” Tommy yelled, already dashing out of the room.

A fairy in the woods. He smiled at the boy’s imagination as he traced his finger over the figures in the drawing. This time he noticed that the little stick arms belonging to his figure and Ida’s were joined. Did even Tommy sense their connection?

He was still thinking about it later that evening as he paced in his study, once more waiting for Ida to join him.

But then she slipped through the door, closing it behind her, and everything evaporated except the need to kiss her.


“Wait a minute,” Ida said breathlessly as Temel stalked towards her, silver eyes gleaming. “We should probably talk.”

“Later,” he promised. “First I’m going to kiss you.”

His lips closed over hers before she could reply and she was lost. His mouth was hard and demanding, his tongue delving deep into her mouth, and she let herself succumb to the pleasure of his kiss. His big hands kneaded her ass, then he lifted her up against the door, the thick bulge of his erection pressing directly against her aching clit.

She squirmed against him, desperate for more, and he broke the kiss.

“I want to remove your clothing. To see your body.” He traced a finger over her nipple, teasing her through the cloth covering it. “To feel your skin against mine.”

She shivered as she remembered how good it had felt the night before when he slid his big hand into her dress. But…

“We really do need to talk.”

He hesitated, the swollen ridge of his erection flexing tantalizingly against her clit, and she was almost ready to abandon the idea of conversation when he sighed and placed her gently back on her feet.

“No doubt you are right. I lose all hope of control in your presence.”

The compliment delighted her, even as he led her back to the small settee where they’d sat the previous night. This time he didn’t bother to sit next to her. Instead he simply sat down and pulled her onto his lap.

“At least I can hold you while we talk.”

She had no objection, but she suddenly found herself at a loss for words. The speech she’d so carefully practiced had disappeared from her mind. He waited patiently, his thumb making gentle circles on her hip.

“I don’t have a lot of experience with men,” she blurted out at last. “And definitely not with passion.”

“You mentioned that last night. Is that a concern for you?”

“Yes, and I think I need to explain why.” She took a deep breath, twisting her hands together. “I need to tell you something about Dora, but it has to remain between us.”

Her daughter had given her permission to tell Temel her story, but only Temel.

“Very well.”

“Dora was very close to her father and she had a hard time dealing with his death. I should have realized, but I was too busytrying to handle everything else.” Including the knowledge of how very little remained of her inheritance.

“And your own sorrow?” he suggested.

She shrugged uncomfortably. “I was sad that it happened, of course, but more as if he were a friend, or even an acquaintance. We weren’t really close, even though we faced each other across the breakfast table most mornings.”

While he read his paper, she made sure that Tommy ate, and Dora tried to tell him her latest news.

“Anyway, while I was dealing with everything, Dora met a man. He wasn’t a good man, but he was charming and he… awakened her. She lost her head and I think at least part of it was because she’d been very sheltered until then and the way he made her feel was new and exciting.”

“And Angel was the result?”

“You knew?”

“It’s probably more accurate to say I suspected. The bond she has with her daughter is very obvious.”