Page 8 of Forbidden Captor

I couldn’t believe what we had just done, but it sure did feel just right. I got up, strutting around like the naked goddess he’d made me feel like, as I admired his naked body.

There’s no one to tell this to, no girlfriends, no one who will care. You’re going to die here with him, and…


What we had done was just too good. I laid back down with him, covering us both with his jacket.

I awoke after a deep, and pleasant sleep. He was still there with me.

“Hello, beautiful.” His hands told me exactly what he wanted to do, and we did. He did not disappoint, and I was on cloud nine.

“Wow,” he said afterward. Then he got up.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

He chuckled. “I have a reason to live. Don’t you?”

I giggled. I couldn’t help myself, but the magic was there, overriding all the logic in me. Questions like what we would do if we got out weren’t on my mind.

I don’t know if they were on his mind, but it didn’t matter.

This time, when I went to the rubble with him, he didn’t tell me to go back.

“No, no, you move this one here.” He pointed at another one below me. “This rock is holding up everything. It’s pretty wedged in, so if you get this one loose, it could cause an avalanche.”

I took his advice, and couldn’t help but feel like he and I could be something more.Didn’t you just find yourself hating this guy just a day ago?

Of course, I knew that love didn’t make sense. I was falling for him, and there was nothing I could do about it. He was a real man, the kind who could rescue me, and protect me from any threat. When we finally opened a spot in the rubble, the light that came in marked our salvation. There were voices and I was glad to hear that a rescue team had been searching for us. We weren’t going to die, and I was grateful for every breath that I took. I smiled at Jack, giving him an ecstatic hug, when the look on his face turned serious.

“That’s the King Mafia,” he said.



“Well?” Emma asked, the very real fear in her voice spiking from 0 to 60 in less than a second.

I thought for a moment. This woman was mine. I was her protector and I needed her in my life. There was no one else. The way she had sprung to action to help me get us out was what set her apart from other girls I’d met like her. Beautiful and spoiled, and yet…she knew how to take charge of her own life.

The thought of having her help me fend off these guys made me sick. If anything happened to her, I could never forgive myself.

I had to let her go.

“I’ll distract them,” I whispered. I didn’t know if the Kings were already within earshot as it was difficult to see, but I knew that I had to be very careful. Both of our lives depended on that. “You go.”

She had been looking at me expectantly as if she was supposed to help. It was cute, but I couldn’t sacrifice her health for mine.

She shook her head with a pained look. “We can find another way out.”

I shook my head ‘no’ and she turned red with anger. “Don’t say a word,” I whispered at her, but she was already starting to throw a fit. I clamped my hand over her mouth. “They hear you, and we’re both as good as dead.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks and I felt her pain inside of my heart.How did I get so lucky to have a girl who once hated me as my lover?Life has a funny way of playing games on people. I could only have her if I did as I was told and sold her back to her father. Instead, I was going to risk my life for her to help her get away scot-free.

“Listen to me,” I said, trying to get her to stop the waterworks. You need to get over to that silo and shout from there when I say ‘Come and get me’. After that, immediately in that direction and hide.” I pointed her in the direction opposite mine. “I’ll handle them from there.”

“I don’t want to,” she protested. “What if something happens?”

What if something happens?Somethingalwayshappened. My life was always at risk.