Page 9 of Forbidden Captor

“Don’t you worry,” I said, though I was terrified. I only had a few rounds left, so I had to use them sparingly. If I was lucky, I could use the debris to my advantage, but eventually I would have to take them unarmed. With no idea how many men were out there, I figured my chances were slim to none.

“I love you,” she said suddenly, and kissed me gently on the cheek. I took her in my arms and our lips brushed against each other tenderly.

“They won’t get you,” I assured her. I wanted to say that I loved her too, but my father taught me that actions spoke louder than words. I had to show her I loved her by keeping her safe.

She ran off to go hide, and I braced myself.

The voices of the King Mafia members got louder, and soon a man appeared in the opening in the rubble. I hurled a rock at him and followed it up with a handful of dust when he turned around, blinding him.

I ran for better cover. I’m a brave man, not a dumb one.

More men appeared; I could see twelve of them from my hiding spot.

This is going to be a rough one.

With only two bullets, I couldn’t risk using them aimlessly. The men spread out, and I began making calculations.

At best, I could pop two of them with one bullet. I looked around to see if I could get them under something that would fall on them, and when I saw my chance, I stuck my head out.

“Hey,” I called. “She’s gone.”

“Frank King sends his regards,” one of them said, right before pulling out his gun and unloading a clip in my direction.

I ducked back into cover behind a bunch of crates and hoped for the best. Cracked and splintered wood flew around me.The man must have had an extended mag, because he just kept shooting. I slipped around the side, looking for an angle on him, and took aim.

“Here goes nothing,” I muttered. I pulled the trigger and saw a few of the men startle back. The one I’d shot didn’t even have time to flinch; he simply dropped dead. Another man darted foward, trying to grab the gun. In a split second decision, I sprinted for it. I dove for the gun, trying to close the distance. I landed too late, and the King mafioso grinned down at me with the gun in his hands. I kicked at his knee, hard, and his leg buckled under him. I snatched the gun from him as his grip on it loosened and shot him with it before he could regain his balance. I pushed myself up and forward and fired two more rounds at the first pair of men I saw. They both collapsed, dead.

The gun clickedempty and I cursed. There were still too many men, loosely spaced. I had made the mistake of letting myself get surrounded, but I knew it was coming either way, and I was no coward. They weren’t going to get my girl.

“Come and get me!” I screamed.

I heard Emma yell out, “Hey, I’m over here!”

As I’d hoped, it split the group of men. I just had to buy her some time to hide again. I threw myself at the remaining men. Incapacitating a group isn’t easy, and the men being separated was probably the only thing that saved me. Even so, I was dead on my feet by the time that I was finished with them.

Wanting to get to Emma as quickly as I could, I rushed towards her hiding area, and found her shivering. My worst fear was that a stray object had hit her. She was in shock, but she seemed unharmed.

I gathered her into my arms. “It’s ok,” I assured her.

Her hand touched a weak bruise that I had gotten, and she gasped. “There’s blood, you need help.”

I barely realized I’d been hit. I tried to shrug it off. “We have to run.”

“No, you won’t,” said an unfamiliar voice from up above. Its owner laughed. “You put up a hell of a fight, but you led us right to her, Jack. Got any more in you?”

Anger and frustration should have propelled me but to my feet, but Emma had been right; I’d lost more blood than I’d thought.I yelled, surprised to find tears beginning to well up in my eyes.

Emma shrieked as the first one grabbed her roughly, pulling her hair and dragging her away from me.

I had failed.

With the last burst of energy I had, I lurched up to try to stop the man. I didn’t even make it six feet before I was on the ground again. Someone yanked my head back, forcing me to watch, and hissed, “Look at her, and know that you are completely useless in stopping this.”

The Kings’ men laughed as Emma struggled with them. One of them yelped as she bit him, which earned her a square punch in the jaw.

“Careful,” one of the other men said. “Boss said we can’t have her too bruised up if we’re going to get primo price for getting her back to daddy.”

I could hear Emma’s anguish as she begged them to leave me be.