The man sobs, shaking his head when my savior or new captor I wasn’t sure dips his head. “You touched my mate.” The word hangs heavily in the air and the man’s eyes widen and his entire body shakes violently. His mouth opens and closes like he can’t form words when the man with glowing eyes speaks again.

“Now eat it!” He squeezes his shoulders, and the man whimpers, yet his hands lift.

“All of it,” the man orders, and I watch in horror as the man puts his own cock in his mouth and starts chewing. My stomach heaves violently, watching the grotesque scene in front of me. He chokes and gags but can’t stop himself. I creep backward, slow as a snail, trying not to draw attention to myself.

Nova and Shadow scream at me to run and escape when I hear footsteps coming up behind me. Turning my head, I see another man, drenched in blood with cuts, grazing his skin.

“Oh, just in time,” the man chuckles, and I turn my gaze back to the horror scene before me. The man cries out when my supposed mate grips his shoulders tighter.

“I’m just getting started,” the man taunts me when his eyes flick to me. His eyes trail the length of me, and I don’t like his scrutinizing gaze when they stop at my breasts, then my hips and thighs.

“You don’t need to fear me,” he speaks, his eyes flickering oddly.

Don’t need to fear him? He just made a man eat his own cock! I swallow but he says nothing more, instead, turning his attention back to the man who tried to rape me.

“Excellent, I love a good show,” the newcomer says, sitting down and bracing his elbows on his knees. He chuckles when the man who claims I’m his mate smiles at him.

However, when he makes his next command, I throw up. My stomach heaves and upturns when he makes him slice out his own testicles and eat them, but he doesn’t stop there. He then orders him to eat each finger.

It takes me a while to figure out how the man hasn’t dropped dead or passed out when I see that every time he orders him to do something. His hands glow brighter, the gold seeping into the man and healing him.

“Please no more, just kill me,” the man pleads as he fights the command to bite off his thumb.

“Last one,” the newcomer muses, and I feel dizzy when I hear the sickening crunch as he starts chewing it off.

“Now, that isn’t so bad, is it?” he taunts when he grabs the rapist’s head between his hands. The man’s eyes widen, and his hands glow brighter when blood starts seeping from his eyes, nose, and his lips quiver. His mouth opens in a silent scream, and my heart nearly stops in my chest.

It then starts pounding faster. Adrenaline courses through me, each pump of my heart feeling thicker and harder, as it pumps the blood around my body. The sweat spilling from the man’s pores turns to blood seeping when he suddenly combusts, exploding and drenching us all in misty blood.

Seeing that, seeing what this monster is capable of, snaps something inside me as fear overtakes me, and I feel Nova shove forward, having regained her strength. The next, I see black as she shoves me into the darkness of my mind when she starts to run. Only this time, I’m not alone in the darkness. This time Shadow is here with me.

“Accept me!” she spits at me, and I shiver, my skin tingling, and I feel like passing out, which is odd when I already see and feel nothing.

“I accept.” I breathe out when I hear her thunderous cackle before she roars.



Blood splatters all over me as he explodes between my hands, and so does the rage that enveloped me. It fizzles away, and I’m left with just a puddle of blood, fragmented bones, tissue, and muscle at my feet. Looking around, I try to remember why I was so angry as the cold shivery feeling as it abates makes me shudder.

“I think he’s dead,” Casen chuckles, wiping his hands on the grass. Malachi presses forward and the moment he does, he searches for her, snapping me back to the present and reminding me what is happening and why.

“Fuck! Where did she go?” Casen jumps to his feet and snarls. My eyes move to where she was sitting, only now she is gone. Malachi growls angrily, forcing the shift at the same time Casen does as we dart after her, following her scent. Her scent is powerfully strong so we know she couldn’t have got far, and it only takes us seconds to notice her white wolf darting between the trees.

Pushing the mindlink open, I force it to connect with Casen.“Fuck, she’s quick,”I tell him.

“She’s headed toward the road. I will go around blocking her off,”he tells me before I see his wolf, Zyan, detour, veering off and going wide. Malachi gives chase, his paws thumping the ground as he picks up speed. The only issue is: She is smaller and squeezes through where we can’t, which slows us down.

Yet as we get closer, panic sets in, and she hesitates, picking up Casen’s scent ahead of her. She pauses in the gully, which she slides into. Malachi pauses and slowly walks along the top. She is stuck, especially when she notices Zyan on the other side, and we were both looking down at her like a fish in a bowl.

“Why is she running?” Malachi asks, confused.

“She’s our mate, but she isn’t acting like one,” he growls. Most are excited and overjoyed to find theirs, but she runs from us.

“Probably because we just killed someone?” I deadpan, though I kinda wish I could take that back now, seeing how spooked she is. However, sometimes I can’t control it. And sometimes I don’t want to.

“Shift back,” I tell him, and Malachi immediately does. Her white wolf turns to face us, her shoulders hunching as I climb down a little. She looks on the verge of attacking us if we get too close, so I slow down, almost stopping, my steps hesitant as she watches with calculating eyes.