“Then Satish came along and beat you for wandering away from the pack…fight… get up!” Shadow screams from somewhere. I tilt my head, looking for her.

“Fight, I’m sick of playing dead, fight, let me out, Nova!” Shadow screams, yet her words confuse me.

“No! Fighting gets us worse,” Nova retorts when I clutch my head, pain explodes in my skull and my vision blurs, while I thrash, feeling some tug of war inside, ripping my skull apart as Shadow screams from somewhere, and Nova argues back.

“I’m done being their bitch! It’s time she knows! Now submit! Drop the veil,” Shadow screams angrily, and I feel my blood thicken in my veins, turning ice-cold when I realize her voice is in my head somehow. My vision turns white, and I call out for Shadow, trying to see past the light that is stealing my vision and making my head pound.

“Know what? Shadow, help me! Where are you?”

“I am you!” she screams, and I jolt, a shivery feeling ebbing through me, and I feel her. The tether flickers as Nova gives up when the man trying to have his way with me punches me. I blink, staring up at the canopying trees dazedly.

“Accept me!” Shadow screams!

“Shadow?” I whisper as my vision blurs, and I dig my nails into his shoulders and scratch at his chest when he slaps me. Blood pools in my mouth, and Shadow snarls when I feel her, feel her just as I do Nova, living inside me, taking up space in my head.

“Accept me!” she screams furiously.

“Don’t. Don’t do it Temperance, she’ll kill us all!” Nova yells. But why? She can help us. Why doesn’t Nova want her to help?

“I can’t use this body unless you accept me. Do it now!” Shadow snarls.

“I…” I gasp, and my vision clears to see the furious man above me. His face is highlighted. So does every line and crease as my vision enhances.


The man turns stiff as a board above me. As the voice booms the order and my head turns to see another man, dread pools in my stomach when I notice he too is naked and headed our way.

“No, no, we have to run,” Shadow tells me, but I am caught in a trance. Gold tendrils sliver down his arms, and his hands glow as brightly as the golden fluorescent eyes glaring at us.

“What are you doing? Get up, this is our chance run, Temperance! Give me control!” Shadow and Nova both scream at me simultaneously. My head throbs at both their voices in my head, like a pulse, yet I can’t pull my gaze from the man walking with calculating steps down the hill.

Power oozes off him, his aura more frightening than Satish’s. His canines protrude as he speaks again, his words shockingly clear despite the sharp points of his teeth.

“Stand up!” he orders. The man trying to have his way with me does, almost robotically. Sweat runs down his body, seeping from his pores, and I blink the strange trance away, peering up at the man.

“Remove it!” The man snarls, stepping closer. His voice sends a shiver up my spine, and the man blinks, his hands shaking as he grabs his cock between his legs.

“You won’t be needing it where you’re going. I said remove it…” his voice is so cold I become frozen in place, paralyzed by my fear. Shadow is screaming at me, and so is Nova. They’re telling me to run, telling me this man is here to hurt me, too. The man whimpers when I hear flesh tearing, and I am sprayed with blood.

The blood splatter coats me, and I scream, coming out of my daze and scrambling away from him. I feel like throwing up when I see the man holding his cock in his hand, his blood spilling onto the ground at his feet.

He groans as his wolf heals him, stopping his bleeding when sparks brush against my back, and I come to a stop. Looking up, I see the man who ordered him, yet his eyes are trained on the man holding his cock in his hands.

“Please, you can have her. I’ll give her to you,” the man pleads.

The man laughs, and the sound is sinister. “She was always coming with me, but you made a mistake.” I blink up at the man, who trembles, clutching his cock tighter. The sweat seeping from his pores reeks and cascades down his filthy body.

“I.. Alpha Satish… he… made a mistake… I...” the man stutters.

“He did… but he’s not here right now. You are!”

“I’m sorry, she’s no one…You can.”

“No one?” the man questions, and I look up at him. The sharp points of his teeth glint back at me when he smiles sadistically, and my heart thumps rapidly against my chest.

“Now that is where you’re wrong... See Temperance. Temperance is everything. She is mine, and you touched her. Put your filthy paws on her. Do you know why that bothers me?” the man asks, stepping over me and walking toward the trembling man.

I back up slowly, my fingers digging into the dirt as my stomach drops deep inside me, somewhere cold as his aura bleeds out. He walks behind the man, gripping his shoulders, and the man flinches, still clutching his cock in two shaky hands.