“Celeste and I had a deal!” Bain snarls. My mother, growing impatient, clicks her tongue. “Continue please, I don't want to spend years here, if we're here it matters in some way, so what happened next?” she demands.

“I married Luna, and Bain ran off back to Seline of course,” Kaif says.

“Then you ratted me out!” Bain growls.

“I did no such thing! I was too occupied trying to stop Hades' from getting Luna!” Kaif snarls.

“Celeste went looking for you, it was probably her!” Kaif retorts. Bain's brows furrow and he looks at Kaif.

“What do you mean?”

“Celeste, she went looking for you. You were supposed to find someone for her, and now after seeing all this I am guessing it was Stellara, Hades's daughter.”

“She did. I gave her the information she wanted, and she left, then later that night I killed a guard accidentally. Seline covered it up, but they still found out, they were tipped off.”

“They killed me,” Bain reveals, “not long after learning of Seline's pregnancy. And thus, my life as a Lycan came to an end, leaving Seline to raise our child. Our beautiful daughter, Koraline.”

“Wait, go back… Celeste found you, and she was looking for Stellara?” my mother asks Bain who nods.

“Did she say why?” Bain scoffs. “No, of course not! Everything was secret with that woman. She uses and abuses and tosses you aside when she is done with you!”

“What do you mean?” I ask him.

“The day I was killed, I was strung up, much like Koraline. They burned me to death, but I remember seeing her in the crowd. She could have saved me, but she didn't. She could have stopped them, she had the power too, instead, she turned her back on me.”

“And you thought it was me? Yet, you saw her!” Kaif shakes his head.

“Why wouldn't I? You needed me out of the way! Why would she let me die? Her second in command? Unless she found another to replace me!” Bain spits.

“No, Celeste never told me this! Had I known, I would have come for you! You're my brother.”

“I was your brother when you stole my fiancé!” Bain replies.

“Again, I loved her. You didn't!” Kaif tells him.

“So you're angry at him because he married a woman you didn't love?” I ask, incredulous at the stupidity.

“Yes. But there is more to it, whoever married and mated her obtained God - given power. Power that should have been mine,” Bain explains.

“So Celeste killed you, but why would she bring Seline and Koraline back then?”

“Because Seline found humanity where others didn't. But Celeste was angry at me. She banished me to the fountain of the past. It took me a while to realize why she was so mad,” Bain admits.

“You broke the coven circle. We were weaker because you left,” Kaif answers, and I glance at him.

“And that warranted death?!” my mother asks Kaif.

“Everything warranted death to Celeste; no one crossed her. She was a Demi Goddess, power in the hands of someone with human emotion is dangerous. Humans act on emotion. Someone with power like she had running on emotion is dangerous. But I would spend my days watching the fountains, watching Seline and Koraline, so when Koraline was captured I begged Celeste to save her. Celeste sent the Lycans for her, but they were too late,” Bain explains.

“However, as I watched from the fountains, Celeste got the idea of having Seline take her place. She saved Seline but doomed her to eternity here. Of course, I was glad to have her back, but Koraline, when she came here, she was forever stuck in her wolf form. Celeste couldn't live with her sins, so she handed them down. I should have known better than to ask for her help, it was never for me. She helped herself, while condemning my mate and daughter.”

“What did you exchange for their lives?” Kaif asks, making me look between the two brothers.

“My freedom. I agreed to spend eternity here, never to leave. Initially, she condemned me to a century, but then she realized no one else would agree to it. I asked for a favor, she used my family against me to agree, knowing I would do anything for them and that Seline would do anything for Koraline. Celeste just found her way out. You should know what a selfish woman that bitch was,” Bain answers, looking at Kaif who nods slowly.

“Yes, I saw it plenty of times. Especially after she realized Hades was married. She went to the underworld and found his first wife. She instantly packed the village up, knowing taking Luna would hurt Hades' She hung back and rejected him.”

“Which angered Hades,” my mother states, nodding as she follows along.