“Correct,” Kaif states. “But what angered him most was that she took Luna from him, his daughter.”

“Then Hades sent the wolves to attack, he was trying to kill the coven to get her back,” says Bain.

“So she created Lycans by accident to ward off the wolves?” I ask, and everyone nods.

“Still doesn't explain how this has anything to do with Temperance,” I say, growing impatient, and they all agree.

“We're missing something, something vital…” my mother says, watching the memories of the past flick by.

She shakes her head. “Is there any way to see how she found Stellara?”

“I already told you,” Bain states.

My mother shakes her head. “Yes, but Kaif said…” My mother looks at Kaif. Kaif sighs heavily and exchanges glances with Bain.

“I didn't know who she was until Hades trapped me in the underworld,” he explains. Bain watches his brother for a second.

“The girl… you said she was Hades's daughter?”

Kaif nods. “Yes, and Celeste sacrificed her to create the daggers.” Kaif explains.

“Foolish woman,” Bain mutters, shaking his head.

“So can we see that here? Celeste's memories? We've seen yours, Kaif's every past, the one you two hold. What of Stellara and Celeste, though?”

“We can try, but I don't see how that will help with his mate,” Bain explains. He lifts his hands, and the water vibrates before we find ourselves moving at speeds that have the water tunneling and rising. Yet nothing happens. He looks confused for a second.

“Now that is odd. What are you hiding Celeste?” Bain murmurs as the water goes from crystal clear to a murky black, yet our surroundings are back to the fountain.

“What happened?!” my mother demands.

“We were locked out for trying to enter Celeste's memories directly,” Bain explains.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“It means Celeste is hiding something, something she didn't want any future goddess to know.”

“Maybe there is another way?” I suggest looking at Kaif. He glances down at me.

“Lucas. If Celeste has a fountain of the past, wouldn’t Hades have the same or something similar?” I ask him, and he tilts his head before looking at Bain.

“The Mnemosyne,” they both say simultaneously.

“The what?”

“It's a memory pool,” says Kaif.



I squirm in my chair, a dance of discomfort and awkwardness as I brush Casey's freshly-washed hair. I can feel his eyes watching us. Every atom of the space between Casen and me is charged with tension, almost as if we are both silently screaming our unsaid words and unresolved emotions. That same tension hangs in the air, forming an invisible barrier - words I need to say, but I am imprisoned by shame. I know I should, yet I am afraid of his reply.

After everything, the secrets I harbored, the truths I buried deep, were exhumed by the unyielding force of destiny. He saved us, Casey and me, despite the unbridgeable gap of my rejection. And now, the chains of guilt pull heavily.

“All done,” I whisper to Casey, who hops up. After the funeral, Casen helped me fix the doors and locks, yet now I find myself locked in this house with him, all drama momentarily settled as we wait for a call from Eziah or Aunty Kat. Now I find myself unsettled within myself, it's easy to be around him when we have a million distractions and now I dread putting Casey to bed. That means I will be by myself with Casen until he falls asleep or I do. Casen's phone rings as I get up to put Casey to bed. He moves toward the front door, slipping outside to take the call.

“I want to sleep in my room,” Casey says as I lead her to mine. I peer down at her.