Looking me dead in the eye, he circles my waist in his big hands and thrusts inside.
“Now be a good girl and fucking ride me hard.”
* * *
“Karis?There’s someone here to see you.”
Christine’s voice pulls me out of my NSFW inappropriate revery from that night in bed with Ballas. One look at my face that’s flushed with the heat of lust and she’s going to think something’s wrong with me. And there is something wrong…I just had a very sexy daydream about Ballas Keeney, the man I can’t stop thinking about no matter how hard I try.
I shift in my chair uncomfortably and realize my panties are damp. Great. How am I supposed to act like a professional when all I want to do is slip my hand down my skirt and finger myself to the memory of the dirty-talking beast?
I clear my throat and reach for my water glass, taking a long drink from it to quench my thirst before I respond.
“Sure, send them in,” I croak, straightening in my chair and taking a deep breath to calm my rapid heart rate. “Who is it?”
Assuming it’s Nate or a staff member needing to talk through a financial solution with me, I grab a few of my favorite red Skittles from my candy dish and pop them in my mouth, only to have one get lodged on the way down. I nearly choke when Christine answers my question.
“It’s Ballas Keeney.”
Christine smiles politely when she turns around, opens the door wider, and ushers me into Karis’s office.
Karis looks up from her desk, sputtering and coughing like she just swallowed something. A deep scarlet blooms across her cheeks.
“Oh my goodness, are you okay, boss?” Christine asks, rushing to Karis’s side to dutifully hand her some water. Karis accepts the glass from her assistant with eyes closed.
“Are you choking?” I ask, a little worried as the coughing fit continues. “Do I need to perform mouth-to-mouth?”
Karis’s eyes pop open wide and she shakes her head frantically, holding up her hand and gesturing for a moment. Finally, when the coughing subsides, she takes a sip of water, pounding on her chest and clearing her throat.
“Woo. I’m fine now. Thanks, Christine.” She slams the remaining water and hands the glass back over to her assistant. Christine walks over to the mini bar and opens the door before turning back toward me. “Would you care for something to drink, Ballas? Water? Pellegrino? Or maybe a coconut water?”
Karis wipes away the tears that had spilled from her eyes during her coughing fit with a tissue and tosses it toward the waste basket, missing completely because her gaze is now glued to her laptop screen.
I shake my head and bend down to pick up Karis’s missed shot, tossing it in the basket at the side of Karis’s desk. “No, thank you. This will only take a sec.”
She shuts the fridge door and straightens, then places a carton of coconut water on Karis’s desk and waits for a dismissal. Karis flicks her gaze toward Christine and smiles. God, that smile is perfection and hits me in the solar plexus.
“Please let my next appointment know I’m running a bit behind.” Karis finally raises her eyes and pins me with a stare. “What can I do for you, Ballas?”
Oh, if only I could thoroughly answer that question with exactly what I’ve been thinking, but indulging those thoughts won’t get me anywhere.
“You tell me.” I shrug, waiting for Christine to shut the door behind her as she exits the office. “You asked me to come to you with any questions about this gala. So here I am. In need of answers.” I gesture with the wave of my hands down my torso like I’m showing off the prize car on a game show.
“You could have just emailed or asked Christine about scheduling.”
I snort, checking over my shoulder that we’re alone. “And miss out on the chance to do the Heimlich or possible mouth-to-mouth on you? No way. I’m here to help.”
Karis rolls her eyes. “As you can see, I’m just fine and don’t need the help of your mouth.”
That flush that had diminished slightly over her face comes roaring back to life the moment she realizes what she’s said and how it sounds.
Hmm…soshe is thinking about my mouth.
“So, you say…but I seem to recall this mouth of mine assisted you on previous occasions. Who knows, maybe you’ll have need additional assistance at the event?”