By the way she inhales sharply, I know she knows exactly what I’m referring to. This is a deal or no deal time. Karis will either try to ignore the chemistry between us and rescind my invite to the fundraiser, deciding to keep her professional distance. Or she won’t, leaving room for a potential repeat.
I take a seat and lean forward, my elbows on my thighs. Karis digs through her candy dish and plucks out a few Skittles, tossing them in her mouth one by one. My gaze narrows on her lips. I bet she’d taste so sweet right now. Sex and candy flavored.
Fuck, I admonish myself for going there.
The truth is, I came in here to tell her I wasn’t going to attend and she’d have to find someone else to go. I only have so much self-discipline and that’s wearing thin. if I’m made to attend this event with Karis, it won’t be easy to hold back. I’ll want to relive those moments we shared in Vegas. I’ll want to know if she’s still wet for me every time she’s around me, just as I’m hard for her.
Plus, Karis has made it abundantly clear to me exactly how she feels and I can’t imagine she really wants me to attend the event with her anyway. Why would she?
“I actually came up to tell you I’m not going to this event.”
Karis blanches as if rebuffed and straightens in her chair. “What? Why?”
I give her a look that says,you know why. She crosses her arms defensively in front of her chest, her mouth set in annoyance as she straightens her shoulders.
“It’s a requirement, Ballas. You can’t just not go because you don’t want to.” Then her expression shifts slightly along with the set of her shoulders. “What are you, like twelve? You don’t think you can keep your dick in your pants for a few hours?”
My voice deepens to a husky murmur. “Not around you.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Ballas,” she scoffs. “This is not a date and I haven’t asked you to go out on one. I’m certainly not interested in a repeat of…” Her face heats again and she glances away like she’s searching for the words and frustrated over them. “This is a business event. I expect you to act professionally and accordingly.”
I chuckle dryly. “Oh, it’s not me I’m worried about.”
She huffs out an annoyed breath. “Excuse me? It wasn’t me who initiated that kiss,” she snaps, pointing toward the exact spot where I kissed her the last time I was in her office. The day I overstepped and broke my own rules to get her out of my system. Obviously, that didn’t work out to my advantage. “That was all on you.”
I straighten in my chair and nod in agreement. “Yep, you’re right. I have no excuse for my behavior that day. But I promise you, my focus now is on the season ahead. So you don’t have to worry. I won’t—”
“You won’t what?” she asks almost breathlessly, her voice a soft murmur as something flickers in the back of her eyes. I notice her throat constrict as she swallows and she bites down on the corner of her lip.
That’s a good question. Why can’t I get over this attraction to Karis? My desire for this woman—my boss—has yet to diminish and I still want her.
It’s been well over nine months since Vegas and three months since I last kissed her, yet it’s all still fresh in my mind. Her taste. Her scent. Her moans that go straight to my cock when I touch her. The way Iwantto touch her even right now as she shoots darts at me with her eyes.
Which is exactly why I shouldn’t attend this gala with her.
It’s risky to spend time with Karis at a function outside the confines of the arena. It might easily strain and snap the tenuous strands of my self-control.
My mouth twitches with amusement. “I won’t do anything you don’t ask me to do.”
Karis flusters and her expression morphs to something unreadable. Before she drops her gaze to her watch, I think I see challenge.
“Good. Thank you. What I want is for you to leave now.” She dismisses me with a nod. “Christine will give you the details for Friday’s event.”
She pauses, staring at my hair and motioning at it with the twirl of her index finger. “And if you can, please do something with that mop of yours.”
“What’s wrong with my salad?” I bark in laughter, running a hand through my unruly, very shaggy hair that I let grow out this summer. “You can’t underestimate the value of the hockey flow.”
Karis rolls her eyes with a sigh. “Fine, whatever. Just look presentable, please. I mean, you’re representing our team.”
“I’ve been to a charity fundraiser before, Karis. I’m sure I can manage to look respectable enough for you.” I stand and give her a salute, lifting my brows. “I can even act respectably.”
“Promises, promises.”
I just hope it’s one I can keep.
* * *
“Nice one, Keeners!”Nils calls out from behind me as I give a no-look pass over to Costa, who then launches a one-handed chip to the back of the net, the puck sailing just over the outstretched hand of Wolf.