“I don’t give a fuck how old he is. I just want to know where the hell he is,” I bite out.

“He’s dead,” Christian says.

His voice is clear, concise, straight to the point. I feel my heart stop as the air around me stills.

“What?” My voice comes out gravelly.

“He died a couple of years ago, Enzo. A heart attack. I’m sorry, you’re too late.”

I don’t move muscle as I take in his words. The look in Christian’s eyes is sympathetic, maybe verging on pity. I can’t focus on that, though. Rage billows through me, hot and fierce. I thought I knew anger. But it’s nothing compared to how I feel right now.

“He’s dead,” I repeat tonelessly as the words finally sink in.

I start to understand the implication. I’ll never have my revenge. I really was too late. All this time, and I was just chasing after ghosts.

I rise and in a moment, I’m pushing off the contents of the desk. Everything goes crashing down, including my phone. My skin feels hot and my heart pounds too fast. I need to hitsomeone; I need to kill someone. I can’t kill Christian, though. That would be messy.

He’s completely calm, taking in my outburst with a blank expression. “You can still find the person who hired him,” he offers.

“I know exactly who it is,” I growl. I’m about to say something else when Jason bursts through the door, eyes wide.

“We’ve got a problem,” he informs me. “Denise is back.”

Fucking hell.



“Can we have chocolate milk on Thanksgiving?” Matthew asks from the back seat of the car.

“Of course, sweetie. You can have as much as you want. There’ll be lots of food, too. My mom used to cook but since we’re expecting lots of people this year, we’ll have to cater the meal. I’m sure it’ll be delicious, though.”

“And there’ll be lots of other kids,” Maria says excitedly. “Like Cat. I like Cat.”

Cat is Daniella and Christian’s daughter. Her full name’s Catherine, and she’s an adorable little girl who looks just like her mother.

“I’m sure she likes you, too. And yes, there’ll be lot of kids. Christmas will probably be the same. I can’t wait,” I say with a grin.

“You want to see Santa, too?” Maria asks, wide-eyed.

“Sure, I want to see Santa. But Christmas is more than just gifts from Santa, my darlings. You get to spend time with family and there’s lots of food and snow!” I sigh happily. “I used to love playing in the snow with my brother when we were little.It was the only time we were ever really close. We would make snowmen and snow angels.”

“We like snow angels,” the twins chorus.

“Yeah,” I say, feeling nostalgic. “You’ll get to make all the snow angels you want this year. I can’t wait for Christmas.”

I might not be getting my dream wedding, but I’m also not letting Enzo’s grumpy ass keep me from enjoying a day I genuinely love. Especially since he won’t tell me why.

“You said the gifts don’t matter, Aunt Rosa,” Matthew says tentatively. “But we’re still getting gifts, right?”

I laugh. “You’ll get as many gifts as you desire,” I promise. “And after Christmas, we’ll have my wedding. We’re in for lots of excitement the next couple of weeks.”

The twins grow quiet as we drive up to the house. As soon as we walk through the doors, they run to their bedroom. I move into the living room, taking off my jacket and getting ready to settle down and maybe watch some TV. I briefly wonder what Enzo had to discuss with Christian that was so important. That man and his secrets.

I’m barely on the couch for more than a minute before something goes wrong.

“Marie!” I hear Matthew shout.