My voice is low and husky as I whisper into her ears. I don’t miss the way she shivers.

Her lips twitch but she doesn’t smile, hitting my shoulder instead. “You’re disgusting. But I have to go, babe. How about you come with me?”

My eyebrow flicks up. “I doubt I’m wanted in a church. What if I burst into flames?” I question.

Rosa smiles, amused. “I’m sure that won’t happen. Come on, it’ll be fun.”

“When has mass ever been fun?” I grumble.

I genuinely couldn’t remember the last time I went to church. Maybe when I was little and I didn’t have a choice but to go with my uncles and their families.

“Good point,” Rosa concedes. “But we’re going. We’ll even take the twins and Isa, if she’s interested. Most of my family will be there, too. Come on, let’s go.”

I groan when she flashes those beautiful blue eyes at me. I really am screwed when it comes to her. Because less than an hour later, I’m walking through the doors of a church with my arms around Rosa’s waist. The twins are with us, too.

The service is already underway when we arrive, and more than a few people turn to stare at us as we walk toward the front where the De Lucas are seated. I’m surprised when I see some D’Angelos as well. Specifically Christian and his wife, with two little kids I’m guessing are theirs.

We settle into the pews for the mass. I practically count down the minutes until it’s done.

After the service, Rosa moves to talk to Elena, and I drift outside where the men are standing. I caught Christian’s gaze during the service. He has something to say to me.

Tony’s talking when I arrive, and Christian’s expression is blank as he listens. Roman’s jaw is tight.

“You want me to investigate your father?” Christian questions.

“No,” Tony says. There’s something vulnerable in his expression. “I want you to find my mother. I had Michael look into it a few weeks ago. According to my father, she left the country years ago, but there’s no record of her leaving. Mikey checked. He tried to find her but he couldn’t.”

“Why the sudden interest in finding her?”

“That’s for me to know,” Tony returns. “Can you find her?”

“Tony, just let it go,” Roman says, his expression hard.

“Fuck off, Rome.”

Christian offers a short nod. “I’ll look into it,” he tells Tony.

“Really?” I drawl. “Because I asked you to look into something for me. And you haven’t gotten back to me.”

His jaw tightens. “I found your guy weeks ago. I just wasn’t sure how to tell you.”

“Tell me what?” I ask, feeling my heart speed up.

His eyes meet mine. “We should probably go somewhere more private to talk.”

“I’ll ask Rosa to take the kids home,” I say in agreement.

After saying goodbye to them, I get into Christian D’Angelo’s car and direct him to one of the clubs I own. I’m tense the entire ride. There are Christmas decorations going up, which further worsens my mood. The thought of the holiday hasn’t started to evoke violent thoughts from me. Yet.

The club is quiet considering it’s still during the day. Jason’s there, getting things ready. He arches an eyebrow as Christian and I pass. I shake my head to tell him there’s no trouble, and he goes back to what he’s doing while I lead Christian into my office.

“Alright, I’m listening,” I say once we’re settled. “Where the hell is the bastard?”

Christian leans forward. “I knew who he was. When you described him, my brother and I realized he seemed similar to a man our dad used to do business with when we were younger.His name is Trent Cane, but in the underworld, he’s known as the Butcher.”

“Fitting,” I say dryly, wishing he’d get to the point.

“The Butcher’s pretty infamous. He was responsible for a dozens of murders two decades ago. If you wanted someone dead without the death being traced back to you, the Butcher was your guy. He never wore a mask, never hid his face, but he was pretty good at disappearing. He’s not American, and I’m pretty sure Trent Cane isn’t his actual name. He’s also not registered, which is why he’s been able to keep his real identity a secret for such a long time. He disappeared fully about ten years ago, going underground. I guess he got older, too slow to continue working.”