Page 50 of Dae'mons and Doms

“Don’t get so upset, Addison—I’m not mad at you.” His deep voice was a soft rumble. “I’m not upset at all—I just want to knowwhyyou called me that. And I’d also like to know if it has anything to do with the reason you seem to feel the need to go to that dangerous club I found you at tonight.”

Addison bit her lip, feeling suddenly put on the spot. Was she really going to have to explain not only the whole concept of BDSM but also her own Age Play kink as it related to the Lifestyle? God, that was going to take a while. And it was going to be embarrassing.

More embarrassing than begging your boss to finger you and make you come and then calling him “Daddy” when he gave you a screaming orgasm?Demanded a little voice in her head.

Well…maybe not. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at the big Kindred again.

“All right,” she said. “Let’s start at the beginning…”



Courick listened attentively as his assistant explained. He was surprised to learn that there were many humans who actuallylikedgetting pain inflicted on them. And Addison admitted to being one of these…at least, to an extent.

“I don’t reallywantto be beaten with a cane or hit with a whip or a freaking rose branch,” she said, frowning. “For me it’s less about the pain and more about the submission.”

“Submission?” Courick asked, frowning. “Meaning…you feel the need to submit to someone?”

A blush stained her pale cheeks but she nodded firmly.

“Yes, it’s…just the way I’m wired. I need to be able to give myself—to give my body—to a man I know I can trust. Someone who’ll take care of me and protect me and give me…give me everything I never got growing up.” She shook her head and looked down at her fingers, which were twisting in her lap. “I know what a cliché that is—the girl who didn’t have a father growing up has Daddy issues as an adult. But I can’t help that I’m like this—I need what I need.”

Courick frowned.

“I notice you don’t say ‘want’—you say ‘need.’Is this need to submit a necessary emotional and sexual outlet you feel you can’t meet in any other way? Is that why you were at that club?”

Her blush got deeper.

“Yes, but it’s not like I sleep around!” she said quickly. “I mean, I don’t have anyone I can trust right now to be my Dom. To be…to be myDaddy,” she added in a low voice. “Sometimes I go there to get paddled or spanked but a lot of times—like tonight—I just like to watch other people submit. It’s not as satisfying but it does help me with my…my cravings. Myneeds.”

“With your needs,” Courick repeated thoughtfully. “But I still don’t understand why you need to have a ‘Daddy’ as you put it, to submit to.”

“That’s a whole different part of BDSM—it’s called Age Play or Daddy Play,” she explained. “I know a lot of people get turned off by it, but it doesn’t have anything to do with child abuse or anything awful like that. It’s about…about finding a man I can belittlewith.”

“Little?” Courick arched an eyebrow at her. “I don’t understand—you’re already tiny.”

“No, I’m not talking about my size—I mean myage,”she explained earnestly. “Letting myself feel like a little girl again, with a Daddy who I know will take care of me and protect me. Someone who’ll hold me and cuddle me…youknow.”

“You mean the way we’re cuddling now?” Courick murmured, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer to his chest. He couldn’t deny the sensuous pleasure of her soft, curvy body resting against his own much larger frame. It had been over ten years since he’d held a female and Addison was so sweet and delicate—he knew he shouldn’t, but he really loved holding her. And he’d loved making her come, too. The way she lost control at the end and moaned for him has been so fuckinghot…

“Yes…the way we’re cuddling now,” Addison admitted. She looked up at him uncertainly. “But I know you’re not my Daddy.”

“No—I’m not,” Courick said sternly. “And we really shouldn’t be doing this.”

“Because you’re my boss, right?” she asked, looking sad.

“That’s one reason. There’s also the fact that I’m much too old for you. But mostly it’s because I made a vow to never call another female as a bride after my first mate died,” he said, feeling like he ought to get everything out into the open.

Her eyes widened.

“You had a mate? A wife?”

“I did,” Courick said and left it at that. He still couldn’t talk about his past mate without pain and he wanted to focus on Addison right now.

“She…died?” Addison guessed. “Or left you?”

“She died,” Courick said. “And I vowed to the Goddess never to take another mate. So I shouldn’t be holding you like this.”