Page 49 of Dae'mons and Doms

Addison bit her lip.Hadshe called him that in the heat of passion? It seemed entirely too likely. Blushing with shame, she turned her head to look up at him.

“Commander…I can explain…” she began.

But Courick only shook his head.

“No explanation needed,” he said, withdrawing his fingers—which were absolutely drenched in her juices, Addison saw with mortification.

“Look, if you’ll just let me explain—” she began again.

“Not now. Excuse me—I have to go.”

Courick pushed her gently but firmly off his lap and onto the bed. Then he rose without a word and left the room.



Addison lay there, feeling sick. Oh God, what had she done? Had she actually called her stern Kindred boss “Daddy” as he made her come? God, what must he think of her now? How could she ever live this down?

She knew lots of people found Daddy Play or Age Play disgusting—apparently her boss was one of them. Clearly he wassodisgusted with her that he’d left then and there. He probably wouldn’t evenlookat her when he saw her in the office on Monday! That wasifhe let her keep her job.

Feeling miserable, she got up and changed into a pair of soft yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt. She dumped her soiled little girl dress in the hamper. She knew she ought to use some hydrogen peroxide on it to get the blood out before it set in, but she didn’t even care at this point. She just wanted to curl up in her bed and be miserable.

But just as she was about to climb under the covers and put her pillow over her head, the door to her bedroom opened and Commander Courick came back in.

“Oh, hi…” Addison said listlessly. “You must have forgotten something, huh?”

“Forgotten something? No—I just had to use your fresher.”

The fresher was what the Kindred called the bathroom, Addison knew. She looked up at him uncertainly. Had he really had to pee…or had he been doing something else in there? Was it possible he might have been as turned on as she was and had gone to jerk off? Surely not. That was impossible because he was disgusted with her for calling him “Daddy” Right?

Addison didn’t know.

“Er…okay,” she said at last. “Um, are you going now?”

“Going? No, I don’t think so.” He settled in the rocking chair across from her bed and patted his lap. “No, we’re not nearly finished yet. Come here so we can talk.”

“You…you want me to sit on your lap?” Addison took a hesitant step towards him. “Really? I mean, do you think that’s okay?”

He lifted an eyebrow at her.

“After what we just did, I don’t think having you sit on my lap is a big deal, do you?”

“I, um,guessnot.” Addison was still dragging her feet. “But…why? I mean, what do you want to talk about?”

“Many things.” He patted his lap again. “Come here.”

“Feeling like she was in a dream, Addison went to him at last and perched carefully on his knee.

“Not like that.” Courick pulled her back until her ass was firmly planted on his thigh and she was leaning against his side. He was so much bigger than her that Addison really did feel like a little girl sitting in her Daddy’s lap…

No, don’t start that again!she warned herself.You’re already in enough trouble as it is!

But still, she couldn’t help noticing again how good he smelled—that warm cedar and musk smell that drew her to him. And his broad, bare chest felt so hard and so warm against her skin.

“So…what do you want to talk about?” she asked again, looking up at him. “I mean, are you mad I called you ‘Daddy’? Because I didn’t mean to—I’m really sorry,” she went on, the words tumbling out faster and faster. “I don’t know what came over me—I never meant to?—”

She was stopped abruptly by his finger against her mouth.