Page 31 of Forbidden Desire

“Oh, big brother—that feels sogood!”Delilahmoaned and threw her head back, as she thrust her tits forward.Atthe same time, she started grinding on me again, rubbing her hot little pussy against the hard ridge of my cock which was tenting my trousers.

“Oh,yes!”Shemoaned again asItugged her tender peaks.

“Feelsgood to me too, baby,”Iadmitted—andI’mashamed to say it did.IknewIshouldn’t’ enjoy tugging and twisting my own little sister’s nipples, butIcouldn’t seem to help myself.

Delilahnever tried to stop me—she leaned into my touch, encouraging me to do whateverIwanted to her.

“It…it’s too bad about that mask,” she panted as she continued to grind against me. “Ifyou didn’t have it on,I’dlet you do exactly whatIwould let my big brother do if he was here.”

“Andwhat’s that, baby?”Igrowled, looking up at her.

“I’dlet you suck them, of course,” she smiled down at me. “Iknow you want to, big brother.Don’tyou want to suck your little sister’s ripe, juicy nipples and make her feel good?”

Asa matter of fact,I’dbeen wanting to suckDelilah’snipples for over a year.

“Yes,”Igrowled hoarsely. “Waita minute.”

Thewhole-head black leather maskIhad on had a special feature—oneIhadn’t been intending to use becauseIdidn’t wantDelilahto guess my identity.Butsince it seemed she had cracked the code, there was no point in wearing it anymore—or at least, notallof it.

Ilet go of her gorgeous breasts for a minute and reached up.Idetached the bottom half of the mask, which freed my nose and mouth, while still keeping my eyes and forehead and the rest of my head covered.Themask was now more of a cowl, but at least the bottom half of my face was free.

“Hey, there you are.”Delilahcupped my bristly cheek in her hand—Ihad forgotten to shave that morning. “Lookat that—Ithought you’d have nice lips,” she remarked…and then she bent down and kissed me.

Shetook me by surprise—we had never kissed on the lips before.Oh,Ihad given her plenty of pecks on the cheek and she had replied in kind, but this was a full-on kiss and she darted her tongue in my mouth, teasing me…offering me more.

Ifound myself helpless not to take her up on her offer.Hermouth was candy-sweet—as though she’d been sucking her favorite lemon drops right before she’d come to me.Islid my fingers into her hair and tilted her face soIcould deepen the kiss and taste her thoroughly.Iwanted to devour her from the mouth down—she felt so soft and curvy and perfect in my arms and she tasted fuckingdelicious.

Wewere both panting when the kiss finally broke.

“Oh, big brother,”Delilahwhispered when she finally got her breath back. “Youdon’t know how longI’vewanted to do that.”

“IthinkIhave too…little sister,”Iadmitted. “ButIdon’t know if it would be wise of you to actually kiss your own big brother,”Iadded, feeling guilty.

“Thenit’s a good thing you’re not really him, isn’t it?” she said lightly.

“Iguess so.”Iwas feeling pretty conflicted at this point, butIwasn’t ready to stop.Notnearly.

“So…do you want to suck my nipples, big brother?”Sheadded, thrusting her breasts towards me again. “AndIshould tell you that you can suck them as hard as you want—Idon’t mind,” she added.

God, how could any man refuse an invitation like that?

“Areyou sure about that?”Igrowled softly, cupping her breasts again and bringing one of her nipples to my mouth.Ikissed just the tip and looked up at her. “BecauseImight want to suck themreallyhard.Imight even want to pretend like your nectar was coming in andIwas sucking it right out of you.”

That’ssomething that happens with femaleWeres—when they enter theirHeatCycle, their breasts begin to fill with a special kind of liquid called nectar.Ithas a honey-sweet taste and consistency and it has to be drawn out by sucking because it’s too thick to be extracted by any kind of breast pump.Usuallya female’s mate will suck it out of her but if she doesn’t have a mate, she’ll have to find another male to do it, because she can getBreedingFeverif her breasts aren’t emptied.

Ihad actually heard about cases of unmated females having to resort to asking their brothers to suck out their nectar if there was no other male around.Itwas considered close to breaking theUnbreakableLawagainst incest, but as long as he wasn’t fucking her while he sucked her nipples, the authorities usually let it slide.Somy fantasy wasn’t that far fetched.

“Oh, big brother,yes,”Delilahpurred. “Yes, pretend you’re nursing on my stiff nipples and sucking all the nectar out of my breasts for me.”

Thatwas allIneeded to hear.Cuppingher breasts in my hands,Iguided one of her nipples between my lips and sucked as hard asIcould, fulfilling a fantasyI’dhad of my little sister for over a year.

Delilahmoaned and writhed in my lap.Therewas no need to ask if she was enjoying whatIwas doing—her wet pussy and the way she was grinding on me let me know.Iwent back and forth, drawing hard and long on her tight tips one at a time whileIteased the other with my fingers, pinching and pulling to make her gasp and cry.Iloved the soft, helpless sounds she made whenIgave her pleasure, and the hot way she ground her wet little pussy against my cock.

Iimagined thatIreally was sucking the nectar out of her breasts—Ipictured a scene where we were still living together and she was on herHeatCycle.Ofcourse, as the only male near to herIwould have to help her with that—with sucking out the nectar and helping her come nice and hard to stave off theHeatFever.

ButwhenIfinally pulled back after what felt like a solid thirty minutes later to see that her sensitive tips were a much darker color than whenIhad started,Isaw something else as well.Delilahhadn’t been kidding when she said she got really wet.Iwas beginning to get a wet spot from her pussy on my trousers—a spot that was going to be fucking hard to explain.

“Hmm, baby—Idon’t know if we should do this anymore,”Isaid, looking down at my trousers. “Idon’t want to stop, butI’mafraid this spot is going to be really noticeable to certain people who shouldn’t be noticing it.”