Page 32 of Forbidden Desire

Iwas thinking ofKurt, asIspoke—as well as theAlphaguardsIhad watching her.

Butit seemed my little sister wasn’t ready for our time together to end.

“Sorry, big brother,” she murmured. “I’mafraid letting you suck my nipples made my little pussy awfully wet.”

“Itcertainly did, baby,”Iagreed hoarsely. “NormallyIwould love that—a pussy that makes a lot of honey is a beautiful thing.ButIdidn’t bring anything to change into.”

“Oh, butIhaven’t told you my second rule for lap dances, yet,” she told me.

“Ohyeah?Andwhat’s the second rule?”Iasked.

“Thateven though you’re not allowed to touch me from the waist down,Ican touchyou,”she purred.

Andthen she reached down between us and started unfastening my trousers.



Iwasn’t sure ifColewas going to go along with me at first.Hiseyes went wide behind the half-mask he was wearing, as he watched me unfastening his black tailored trousers, and then he reached down and wrapped his big hands around my wrists to stop me.

“Sorry, baby,” he growled, sounding regretful but firm. “ButIcan’t let you go that far.Ican’t actually fuck you.”

Iwondered if it was still that damnUnbreakableLawholding him back.Bynow we had pretty much established thatIknew who he was.Ihad been taking a risk, talking to him about my “big brother” and asking ifIcould call him that, but he had played along.Hehad even agreed to call me “little sister.”Iknew he wanted me the wayIwanted him…but apparently he wasn’t willing to go quite that far yet.

“Don’tbe silly, big brother,”Isaid lightly, trying to play it off. “Idon’t want you to fuck me—I’mjust going to give you an extra little perk for your special lap dance.”

“Oh?”Helooked at me warily. “Andwhat’s that?”

“I’mgoing to give you a pussy massage,”Itold him. “That’swhere you pull down your trousers andIrub my hot little pussy up and down your thick cock until you come.Ofcourse,I’llstill have my panties on,”Iadded, though the pantiesIhad on were so tiny they barely covered anything at all. “Sothere’s no chance of you accidentally slipping into me.Itwill just feel extra nice for both of us.”

Colehesitated for a long moment andIcould feel him weighing his options and possibly fighting with his guilt.Finallyhe spoke.

“Idon’t know if that’s something a little sister should do with her big brother, baby,” he murmured. “Abig brother letting his little sister rub her naked pussy against his bare cock sounds awfully close to incest, you know.”

“Iknow,”Isaid, pressing my breasts against him. “Soit’s a good thing you’re onlypretendingto be my big brother—right?”


“Iguess you’re right,” he rumbled and loosened his grip on my wrists. “Goahead then—as long as you know my cock isnotgoing into your tight little pussy.”

“Howdo you know how tightIam, big brother?”Iteased asIfinished opening his trousers to let his long, hard shaft spring free.God, it was amonster!Ihad forgotten how big he was—it had been a long time sinceIhad stood by the crack in the bathroom door and watched him jerk off while he moaned my name.

“Didn’tyou tell me you’re a virgin?Becauseyou’re saving yourself for me?Imean for him?”Colerumbled asIpulled his cock free at last.

“YesIam, big brother,”Igroaned, asIsank down onto him.HowIwished he was going up inside me!ButIhad to be satisfied with the feeling of his thick length parting my swollen pussy lips and rubbing against my wet inner folds.Itfelt especially nice when he rolled his hips and came up to rub against the aching bud of my clit. “Oh!”Igasped. “Iamsaving myself for you.Idon’t want any cock in my pussy but yours!”

“God, baby—wishIcould be your first,” he growled as he wrapped his big hands around my hips and thrust up against me again. “Yoursweet little pussy is so hot and wet—I’dlove to be the first one inside it.”

Ibit my lip asIlooked into his eyes.Thehalf-mask he had on couldn’t hide his desire.

“Iknow it’s naughty, big brother,”Itold him. “Butif you change your mind and you want to do that—if you want to fuck me, it’s okay—I’lllet you.”

“Youwant me to fuck you?” he demanded, his eyes blazing. “WhatifIcouldn’t stop myself andIshot my cum deep inside you?”

“Iwouldn’t try to get away,”Iinsisted. “I’dspread my legs and take your cock all the way inside me, like a good girl.Evenif you wanted to knot me and fill my womb with your seed—even ifIgot a breeding bump from my own big brother,Iwouldn’t mind.”

IknewIwas taking a chance, saying all this.Itwas this kind of talk that had drivenColeaway in the first place…butIfelt instinctually that he found the idea of my submission to him as powerfully erotic asIdid.Otherwiseit wouldn’t have affected him so strongly.