“I didn’t know that,” I say quietly, and he nods.
“I know. You were getting settled back in town too and I didn’t want to pile on. It’s helped though. I think that it might help you too.”
I nod, and he smiles slightly.
“Yeah, I’ll try it.”
“Good. Now, in the meantime, what are you going to do to fix this thing with Olive?”
I blow out a deep breath and look over to her empty house. She left bright and early this morning for the bakery. I know because I was awake and watched her leave through the front windows. I may have also snuck over there while she was sleeping to shovel her walkway and brush off her car, but she doesn’t need to know that.
“I need to talk to her.”
“Oh,” Townes says, wincing, and I frown.
“What?” I ask him, and he shrugs.
“You’re not great with words, man.”
“Thanks,” I deadpan, and he snorts.
“Women like big gestures, right? Maybe try that instead.”
I pause, trying to come up with something to do to win Olive back. She said that she was willing to chase me and prove that I was worth being loved, but that she wanted to be chased too.
I guess I should take a note out of her playbook then.
“Alright… but I’m going to need your help.”
Townes smiles at me as we head inside my place.
I’m exhaustedas I close up the bakery. My sisters have all stopped by at some point to check on me, but I’m afraid that I wasn’t great company. They did their best to cheer me up and help out around the bakery, but after a bit, they had to get back to their own businesses.
The only good thing about today is that the bakery was slammed, so I didn’t have any time to wallow in heartbreak. There were so many orders to be filled today and I’m glad that we’re closed the next two days so that I can get a bit of a break.
I yawn as I head over to my car. I didn’t get a ton of sleep last night after Xavier broke my heart. I’m looking forward to going home, taking a shower, and passing out. I’ll need to be up early to get ready for my sisters to come over for Christmas tomorrow.
My heart breaks a little more as I wonder what Xavier will be doing tomorrow. Will he spend it all alone? With Townes?
I push thoughts of him out of my head as I climb behind the wheel and start to head home.
When I first see the lights, my first thought is that something is on fire. As I get closer though, I realize that it’s Christmas lights that are spread out between Xavier’s house and mine.
I pull to a stop in the middle of the road and step out, taking in the scene before me.
It takes me a minute to read when he’s written in the lights.
I’m sorry. I’m an idiot. I love you.
“The idiot part was Townes’ idea,” Xavier says behind me, and I jump, spinning to face him.
“Well, he’s right,” I quip, and he smiles.
“I know.”