Page 61 of Faux Beau

“I can feel the pulse from across town,” she admitted. “All I have to do is think of you and my resolve starts to crumble.”

She took a nip of his lower lip and, when he nipped back, she slid her tongue across the seam of his mouth.

He pulled back and, whoa baby, he was sexy. His hair was messy from digging her nails through it, his shirt was wrinkle-free but untucked from his slacks, and those green eyes were dark with desire.

“What happened to no tongue?”

“I’m working on corralling my hormones.”

“Then why are you grinding on me?”

She looked down and she was pressed against him like she as a cat and he was made of catnip. “My body hasn’t received the signal from my brain.”

“I guess I’m just going to have to distract you enough that your brain shuts down completely.” The determination in his voice matched his expression.

“Then it’s your job to remind my hormones that this dress is the only thing between me and rescinding the ban on sex.”

“Honey, at the rate you’re going I’m not even going to have to take off your clothes. In fact, my hands won’t even budge an inch.”

His fingers spanned to cup each one of her entirely bare butt cheeks, and he yanked her fully against his impressive arousal.

“Mmm,” she moaned, her fingers flirting their way down the buttons of his shirt. She fiddled with the first one, easily sliding it through the hole.

Jax shook his head. “I made a promise to be the brains of the operation, but I’m already having a hard time keeping the blood flowing to the right head.”

“A hard time?” she mused, sliding back up his ridge, but when she started to descend, he squeezed her butt and slowly lowered her down, holding her to him so that the delicious friction created was verging on orgasmic levels. He lifted her up and made the same pass and that’s when she realized what he was doing.

Jax Macintyre was on a mission to give her an orgasm. “Oh.”

“O, is right.” His eyes twinkled with mischief. “No hands, no tongue, no verbal foreplay, but, Mills, you’re going to come apart in my arms.”

“I think that constitutes verbal foreplay.”

“No, that’s just me stating the facts.”

“Well, then … ” With a flick of the wrist her hair broke free from the tie and came tumbling down. She threaded her fingers through the strands and gave a not-so-gentle tug. Her head dropped to the side, exposing her neck. “Fact away, Jax.”

Reclaiming her lips with his, he crushed her to him, her calm shattering with every lust-filled kiss. With a surge of sheer greed, she ran her hands all over him, taking in every inch of his body, then clinging to his yard-wide shoulders that were made of bronze.

Replacing his hands on her ass, he guided her up and down his erection, the texture of his fabric on her bare skin, the snugness of their bodies as they moved in tandem.

Milly didn’t think it was possible, but Jax was driving her higher and higher with just his lips and body. Pushing, pulling, grinding, she rode him hard and fast.

“Jax, I’m going to … ” she trailed off into a moan.

“Me too,” he said against her neck, where his teeth were gently scraping down the column.

“I mean, I’m right there.”

“Then let go.” He drove up against her while at the same moment sliding her down and onto his lap with enough force to shatter her. Her vision went dark, her head began to swim, and every muscle inside her coiled and clenched.

“Jesus, angel,” he said, and she felt him stiffen beneath her touch. The sound of him igniting set her free.

Free to tumble. Free to feel. And free to let go.

This was what she wanted. He was what she wanted.

Only he wasn’t hers to claim.