Page 62 of Faux Beau

Chapter Seventeen

Take Life by the Balls

Go for the jelly-filled.

Milly thought long and hard about what she was about to do. She didn’t take promises lightly, but she was afraid she’d already broken one promise, so what was another?

Last night with Jax had left her confused and scared and she desperately needed advice. That meant admitting to her two best friends that she’d lied in the first place.

How had everything spiraled so far out of control? It was a question she’d been asking herself all night long. Her feelings and the situation were like aa freight train that had jumped the tracks and was headed for a brick wall—and she was terrified of the impact.

She hadn’t slept a wink since he’d dropped her off at her place last night, delivering a sweet kiss under the porch light. There wasn’t anyone around and it wasn’t for show. It was just for them. Like their time in his bedroom.

“This had better be good.” Kat said, walking into the mudroom. She was still in her pajamas, her hair was standing on end, and she had sheet prints on her cheek. She also had the bloodshot eyes of someone who’d had too much wine and barely lived to tell the tale.

“Sorry I woke you up so early,” Milly said.

“That’s okay. It just meant that I got the best pick of the doughnuts.” In comparison, Gemma looked as if she’d welcomed the sun with a rejuvenating round of yoga, and singing birds had picked out her clothes. Her choppy hair was effortlessly styled, her makeup flawless, and her outfit bohemian chic.

“Are those from Just Holes?” Milly asked, her mouth already watering.

“They’re the only reason you’re still alive,” Kat grumbled.

Her friends walked into the family room and looked at the nearly empty floor and froze. “You’ve made some serious headway,” Gemma said.

That’s what happened when one needed a distraction. They went through their dead sister’s things until the wee hours of the morning. But instead of feeling as if she were losing Zoe with every box she put in the Give Pile, she felt closer to her.

“It was time,” she said simply. Just like it was time to let go of the heartache of the past and, instead, embrace the wonderful memories every item inspired.

“Then it’s okay that you woke me up before Tiny Dancer nibbled my toes to go out.”

“Don’t mind her,” Gemma said, leading the way into the kitchen. “She’s just mad that Ranger Tight-ass offered to drive her home.”

“He didn’t offer, he dictated. Because that’s how his kind are, they dictate as if they’re the authority on all things.”

“I thought it was sweet,” Gemma said, setting the pastry box on the table and taking her seat.

Kat yanked out the chair and plopped down, pulling her knees to her chest so that her feet were resting on her chair. “It was high-handed, and had I not been drunk in thirty degree temps and the closest Uber was ten minutes out, I would have told him where to stick his tight ass.”

“You did tell him that,” Gemma said. “In fact, you told him in front of the entire party.”

“Good. Then everyone will know the truth about him.” Kat picked up a doughnut hole and popped it in her mouth. “Mmm. So good.” She took another, quickly inhaling the whole thing. After moaning in ecstasy, she opened her eyes. “Why aren’t you double fisting some jelly-filled holes?” When Milly didn’t answer, Kat asked, “Is this about you disappearing into Jax’s bedroom to have sex during his mom’s party, because don’t think your disappearance went unnoticed. When you guys never came back down, your mom and Peggy started talking baby names.”

“This whole thing has spiraled out of control,” she admitted out loud for the first time.

“You mean you shagging the town’s bad boy?” Kat asked, going in for her forth doughnut hole.

“We weren’t shagging last night.” Not technically. Besides friction, nothing else was used. And she’d orgasmed. So hard she could still feel the aftershocks. “In fact, we aren’t shagging at all.”

“Wait, what?” Gemma asked.

Milly dropped her head to her chest, hiding behind the curtain of hair when she admitted, “We aren’t even really dating.” When no one said a word, Milly peeked a look. Both friends sat there open-mouthed. “We made the whole thing up.”

Gemma lifted her hands up and let them fall to her sides. “I told you,” she said to Kat. “I told you something was off.”

“I don’t believe you,” Kat stated firmly. “There is so much chemistry the air crackles.”

A bead of sweat dripped down Milly’s back. “Chemistry isn’t our problem.”