“That’s the one,” I said. “And Ange, I’m going to need you to take over that little Busby girl I’ve been watching Friday mornings.”

“What!” Angela cried. “How many times do I have to tell you that just because my hours were cut back doesn’t mean I’m taking on more?”

“The other option is to go full-time with the new client,” I said. “I figured you’d be happier with one morning out of the week rather than being assigned another full-timer.”

I heard Teresa giggle on her end of the line, and Angela muttered something under her breath.

“Fine,” she said. “But no more. I have other things I’m doing with my life now, Cassie, and while I’m happy to help out here when I can, I don’t want to be a nanny forever, okay/”

“You’re a lifesaver,” I said, ignoring her comment.

“So, you’re taking on the full-time work?” Teresa asked. “How is that going to work out with your schooling and your waitressing?”

“This is going to be enough I don’t have to keep waitressing,” I said. “For the foreseeable future, I’m just going to nanny.”

“That’s nice,” Teresa said. “And I take it, you’re going to do school on the side?”

“It’s only part-time anyway, and they’re classes that can be done online, too,” I said. “So, I can manage. It’s going to just require me to rearrange a few things with my schedule, and we’ll all be golden.”

“If you keep this up, I’m not going to be golden at all,” Angela said. “This is the last time I’m taking on another client for you, Cassie. I can do Friday mornings, but that’s it.”

“I told you it’s fine,” I said. “I appreciate what you do already.”

“Someone needs a nap,” Teresa chimed in. “This is a family business, Angela, if you’re going to take your check, you’ve got to add to the work.”

“I don’t remember saying I was quitting,” Angela shot back. “I’m just saying that I don’t want to keep on taking more and more clients when I’m not sure how much time I’m going to have to devote to this in the long run.”

“Hey,” I said. “Let’s just give this a chance. If it turns out in a couple months that it’s overwhelming, we’ll reassess andI’ll make sure you both get just what you want, okay? This is temporary.”

“Or if you hate it that much you could just quit now,” Teresa said.

“Teresa!” Angela yelled.

“No one is quitting or losing their checks,” I cut in before my sisters could dissolve into an argument with each other. “And I appreciate all that you both do. I’m going to take on this full-time client, and that’s the end of that. I think there’s some really good things on the horizon for all of us with this, guys, this is a good thing. If nothing else, this could be a real chance for us to get some great referrals sent our way.”

There was silence for a moment, then my middle sister spoke.

“I’m glad it went well,” Angela said, her tone telling me she was done with the conversation.

“Thanks,” I said, “TNT, will you send Angela the info on the Busbys? I would appreciate it.”

“In like an hour I can,” Teresa said. “I’ve got both the kids with me today, so I’m a little busy right now.”

“No worries,” I said. “Just don’t forget.”

“I’ve put it in my phone,” she said. “Talk to you two later.”

“Later,” Angela chimed in.

“Bye,” I said, hanging up the call.

I sighed, sitting back in the driver’s seat and closing my eyes for a moment.

I did feel bad passing off the little girl I had been caring for on Angela. I knew Mrs. Busby wouldn’t mind, but I also knew Angela was looking for more options in her life other than being a nanny. But Teresa was also right. This was the family business, and we had all pitched in to take over when Gigi had been diagnosed with cancer and couldn’t do it herself anymore.

I knew none of us were supposed to be doing this for the rest of our lives, but for now, while I was still trying to figure out howto keep things afloat, I did need both my sisters to play an active role in doing this along with me.

I started the engine and pulled out of the parking space, ready to head home. Of course, my mind went right back to Alex himself and the rush of excitement I had felt when he put his hand on my back the way he had.