I could see a lot of his features in his little girl, and somehow, that made me even more attracted to Alex. I knew I was being crazy in a variety of ways – first and foremost this man was looking for a nanny, not a girlfriend – but I couldn’t help it.

Reality barked at me, reminding me he was clearly in his forties, and I was in my twenties. Of course, he was one sexy silver fox. The part of his dark hair that had been peppered with grey only added to his allure in my mind, and age had made him sexy in the way fine wine got better with time, too.

But he was also a billionaire. He was out of my league in every sense of the word. I would be lucky to even get the job, let alone to even begin to think someone like Alex Osborne would give me a second glance.

Still, the way he looked at me as he shook my hand made me feel on top of the world. I really didn’t know how to explain it.

“Thank you for taking the time to meet with me out here today,” I told him with a bright smile. “I apologize again that I had to move it a couple hours later.”

“Not a problem,” Alex said. “I’m thoroughly impressed with the way you do things, and I’m looking forward to working together.”

I raised my eyebrows a bit. I was pretty sure I had the job, but the confirmation made butterflies flutter in my stomach.

“Hired on the spot, huh?” I asked with a playful grin. “This is a first for me.”

“I find that hard to believe,” Alex replied. “But hey, now that I’m seeing more how this is going and how Lucy has taken to you, do you have more availability than what I originally said? It would be pretty nice to have someone Monday through Friday. Of course, changing the hours on you like that means I fully expect to increase the rate of pay.”

“Full-time, wow,” I said. I felt like an idiot. Usually, I was a lot more professional and ready with my answers, but there wassomething about how sexy this man was that made it difficult for me to concentrate on what he was saying.

“I know it’s a lot to ask. I was originally saying barely part-time, and I know this is pretty much the opposite of that, but I was feeling a little nervous going into this. I didn’t know what to expect, and when it comes to Lucy, I’m incredibly guarded.”

“Understood, and I can do full-time,” I said with a smile. “You caught me at a good time. We just saw a shift in the business, so I’ve got an opening. All the details, as far as the payment and the booking, along with the schedule for me watching Lucy, will all be in the contract.”

“Great. This couldn’t have worked out better then,” he said. His bright eyes seemed to get even brighter, and I tried to ignore the way my knees almost buckled at the sight.

“Agreed,” I told him. “Anyway, you have my number, and please feel free to call me whenever. If you’re happy with how things have gone and you feel ready to begin, I can start Friday morning. I know that’s still the day after tomorrow, but there are a few things I really should get done before taking on another full-time child.”

“Absolutely,” Alex said. “I’ll call you tomorrow to figure out a good time for you to come over on Friday, and we can go from there.”

“And I’ll be emailing you a few things to print off and sign if you would. Or if you would rather, I can bring them with me when I come on Friday. Legal stuff, as you know,” I said.

“Send them over to the email I gave you,” Alex said. “I’ll have them taken care of and ready for you when you get here Friday. Thanks again.”

“Thank you,” I said.

And with that, I slid into the front seat of my car. I immediately grabbed my phone and pretended to be busy looking at it, trying to keep myself from looking as foolish as Ifelt. My hands shook with excitement, and I could hardly follow a single train of thought.

This was exactly what I needed to happen. This was the answer to the problem I was dealing with in regard to the business. Alex Osborne had the money by himself to not only keep the business going, but I could take the financial risks I was contemplating if I had his bi-weekly check coming in to fall back on.

It felt surreal.

Once I was sure he had left, I looked up from my phone and scanned the area. Sure enough, I was alone. So, I hooked up my phone to the Bluetooth in my car and immediately called my sisters.

“Hello?” Teresa sounded busy.

“Hey girl,” Angela’s tone was difficult to read, and I immediately remembered she’d said she had plans. I didn’t know what those plans had been, and I wasn’t sure if her lackluster tone had anything to do with those plans, but I was too keyed up with the news to think about anything else.

“I’ve got you both on a three-way call,” I said.

“Hey, sis,” Teresa called out.

“Hey,” Angela replied. “What’s going on, Cass?”

“I’ve gotten us a new client, and a big one at that,” I announced.

“Nice!” Teresa said.

“Oh?” Angela asked. “That one you went to the interview with today?”