A particularly fat seal somersaulted in front of us, and I laughed. “He’s showing off for you.”

“That one’s named Tuba.” Jenny pointed at the chubby guy. “I had to ask one of the girls what his name was—he’s such a cutie.”

“Tuba? That’s funny.”

“Yeah, and that one’s Reggae and that’s Chewbacca…” She rattled off a few more names as the creatures whizzed by.

“You weren’t kidding. You really do come here a lot,” I said.

Jenny kept her hands on the glass, her eyes on the seals. She looked genuinely delighted. “They always cheer me up. And it’s cheaper than therapy.”

I watched as one of the seals floated near Jenny, seeming to wave its flipper. My heart melted a little. “That’s true,” I agreed.

“Yeah,” she said. “And these guys are always here for you. Rain or shine. Good days and bad days. They always make me smile no matter what. How lucky isthat?”

I turned and inspected Jenny. Her face was so open and happy as the seals torpedoed by, friends that she’d made from her side of the glass.

I’d thought it before, but now I knew for sure. I’d never met anyone like her.

“It’s lucky,” I agreed again. “Pretty freaking lucky.”



Cole wasn’t as obsessedwith the seals as I was, but he still liked them. After about ten minutes, I was ready to go. “You still want to go shopping?” I asked.

“Do you?”

I shrugged. “Shopping bores me. But you don’t,” I admitted. “So if you like it, I betcha I can like it.”

He smiled at me, and it was like the sun coming out. “Why don’t we at least get you dresses for the rehearsal dinner and the wedding, and then we can call it good? I know a place we can go. We can be in and out real quick.”

“Are you talking dirty to me, Coley?” I asked.

“Ha.” He yanked at the collar of his shirt. “It’s automatic, I guess. I can’t help myself.”

“I don’t mind.” I linked my hand with his as we crossed the street, heading to Faneuil Hall. “But for the record, you haven’t been in and out real quick. Which I appreciate!” I laughed—a loud, honking sound that I could never control. A passing woman in a suit looked at me, startled, but Cole laughed. He didn’t seem embarrassed by me. Maybe billionaires were so wealthy they didn’t get embarrassed?

“Sorry.” I coughed. “I always laugh too loud.”

“Don’t be sorry.” He squeezed my hand. “One of the things I like about you is that you’re yourself. So don’t apologize.”

Oneof the things he liked about me? Maybe Mr. Billions was having as much fun as I was. Coledidseem to be enjoying himself. When I’d done that thing with his balls in the shower, he shouted. Like, a good shout, something he couldn’t control. And then he’d comehard. Hot pride bloomed in my chest when I remembered how he’d held on to me for dear life as the orgasm swept through him.

The orgasm he’d had withme.

I took pride in my work. I aimed to satisfy my clients, and this assignment was no different. But whatwasdifferent was that I genuinely wanted to blow Cole’s mind. I wanted him to remember me long after these two weeks faded away. I wanted it to mean something.

What exactly I wanted it to mean, I had no idea. But I had a feeling that I wouldn’t ever forget about Cole Bryson, and it would be nice if the billionaire rememberedme.

All of this was a fancy way of thinking circles around the fact that I liked my client. I liked holding his hand. I liked his Cayenne Turbo. I liked his glorious penthouse with its view of the Harbor. I also liked his big, long cock.

But underneath that, something was bothering me. It had to do with all the liking going on.

I likedCole. He was a male version of me, but wicked rich, and sophisticated. So maybe he wasn’t that much like me, but whatever! The fact that I genuinely enjoyed my client unnerved me. The fact that I’d had several rocking orgasms with him, which had caused me to scream my head off—for real—troubled me even more. That hadneverhappened to me with a client.

In fact, it had never happened to meever. So why was that? Why did Billionaire Batman have that effect on me?