“Yay!” She kissed me on the cheek. “This is going to be the best dayever!”
Before we madeit out the door, we made love again. Twice. Once in the bed, once in the shower after we’d been in the bed. The second time was by accident—I couldn’t seem to keep my hands off Jenny, or my dick out of her for that matter. As soon as she was near me, as soon as my bare skin touched hers, I got hard.
I wasn’t exactly complaining about it.
“Your complexion looks real good, Coley,” she cooed when we finally made it out the door and into the elevator.
“So does yours.” I pulled her against me again for a hot kiss, then released her. “Woah, I need to take it easy. We arenotdoing it in the elevator.”
“Yet,” she teased. She looked smug.
Amari was working again. He gave us a broad smile as we crossed the lobby. “Mr. Bryson. Ms. Jenny. It’s nice to see you again. It’s a lovely day—would you like me to pull the car around?”
“I think we’re going to walk. It’s about twenty minutes to the aquarium, right?” I asked.
Amari’s smile widened. “Yes, it is. Lovely day for a walk. Enjoy the gorgeous weather, you two.” He held the door open for us, and we stepped out into the gorgeous morning.
Boston was not known for its weather, and for good reason. But today was one of those rare days when the sun was shining, and there was no humidity. I held out my hand for Jenny’s, vowing to enjoy all my good fortune.
My escort looked beautiful. Her skin and fantastic body were on display in the simple black sundress she’d chosen, which was perfect for the weather. She perched huge sunglasses on her nose and smiled as we walked down the street. “When was the last time you walked to the aquarium?” she asked.
“Have you everbeento the aquarium—even when you were a kid?”
“No,” I admitted. “My father wasn’t one for day trips. And he didn’t let our nanny take me out much.”
“Oh. You had a nanny?”
“Yep, she was French. Very strict,” I said. “But she used to make usmacarons, so she wasn’t all bad.”
“Huh.” A note of concern crept into her voice. “And your mom…?”
I shrugged. “She died when I was little.”
“I’m so sorry.” Jenny sounded like she might cry.
“It’s okay.” I squeezed her hand. “I don’t talk about her very often, so it makes me happy to think about her. Thank you for asking.”
“Aw, that’s real nice.” She sniffled.
“What about you?” I asked.
“I told you, I go to the aquarium all the time.” She squeezed my hand back. “The seals are always there for me. Even when the weather sucks.”
Dodging my real question, she didn’t say more. Jenny had opened the door by asking about my mom, but she didn’t seem as though she was going to walk through it. I had to respect that, even though I wanted to know more about her. But if she wasn’t going to offer, I didn’t want to pry.
I enjoyed our walk. Even though I was mildly hungover and should have been drained from having all the alcohol and sex possible in the past twenty-four hours, I felt invigorated. Handslinked together, Jenny and I both had a bounce in our step. People we passed on the sidewalk smiled at us. We smiled back. The sun shined down, and the only clouds in the sky were the cute little white puffy ones.
It was like something out of a rom-com, and I didn’t watch rom-coms.
Finally, we made it to the aquarium. “There they are!” Jenny pointed to a giant tank located near the entrance. Massive gray seals covered in black spots swam back and forth, gliding past each other in the clear blue water.
Little children shrieked with delight as they swam past. The exhibit was already crowded, with families milling around, pushing strollers, carrying backpacks, and all the other crap you needed when you had kids. One of the mothers called for her twins, and a space opened up—Jenny hustled me over.
“Look at them! Look at those eyebrows!” The seals had both bushy white whiskers and wiry eyebrows, which they seemed to raise as they swam their laps.
“Aren’t they cute?” Jenny cooed. “They remind me of dogs. Big, fat, swimming dogs.”