Page 23 of The Forever Promise

Gene patted her hand. “It will be, Dear. It will be.”

Bryce, Jake, and Colby looked disgusted. Luckily, the lawyer moved on. “We’ve done the research and talked to our sources within the Justice Department, and we’re fairly certain that this will be classified as a formal investigation within the next few weeks. That makes the time we have absolutely crucial for garnering public support. It’s imperative that the world sees the Windsor family as people to root for. Which means you need to be accessible. Ms. Jensen will carefully control the family image, but everyone here has a part to play. Your family’s known to be reclusive. That has to change over the next few weeks. The American public needs to understand who you are as people. They need to be able to find a reason tolikeyou. With that, I’ll turn this over to Olivia.”

He sat down, and the redheaded media strategist stood up and cleared her throat. Despite her small stature, her energy commanded the room. She paced in front of us, calves straining in her high heels. “I’ve been working with Gene for a few months, and let me tell you, he’s a pain in the ass.” She laughed.

“Thanks a lot, Liv.” Gene scowled, but he didn’t actually look angry. “For the record, you’re a pain in the ass, too.”

“That’s why we work so well together.” She grinned at him. “The board has hired me to strategize an aggressive public-relations campaign. We’ve agreed that what your family needs is a united front. The public doesn’t perceive you well. They see Gene as a rich, entitled crook who’s married to an insufferable, gold-digging TikTokker.”

Daphne started to protest, but Olivia raised her hand. “My turn to talk. You might not like what I have to say, but in the end, you’ll thank me. And I’ll thankyouwhen I drive off into the sunset in myna Lexus SUV with my gigantic bonus.”

Gene grimaced, but the media strategist ignored him. “Jake and Colby, no one knows who you are. That’s not a bad thing. I’m going to spring you on them and position you both as America’s most eligible bachelors.Andyou’re both going to have to get married soon. It’s imperative for your company’s future.”

“What?” Jake sat forward. “No way in hell! I’m not getting married because my father got greedy—”

“Can I marry anyone I want?” Colby interrupted, a mischievous sparkle in his eye.

“To answer you both: yes, you are, and no, you may not,” Olivia said firmly. “For now, neither one of you is to go on a date, go to a strip club”—she eyed Colby—“or have relations with a lady-friend.Nothing.Consider yourselves celibate and dateless for the near future. I want the public foaming at the mouth to get you two married off. I want their interest vested.”

When both Colby and Jake started objecting, she put her hands on her ample hips. “I saidno. And when Olivia Jensen says no, I mean it. You know why? Because Daddy’s gonna cut you off if you don’t play along. Isn’t that right, Gene?”

Gene nodded. “What Olivia said.”

Jake cursed under his breath. Colby shook his head, looking like he didn’t know what had just hit him.

“As foryou.” She nodded at Bryce and me. “You’ve missed an incredible opportunity here. A young, handsome billionaire falls in love with a gorgeous girl from the wrong side of the tracks. It’s so intense he justhasto marry her. Even though his heiress ex-girlfriend wants him back.”

I stiffened, and Bryce gripped my thigh.

“That’s a hot storyline,” Olivia continued. “I saw Kysa Reeve’s tape—you two do well on camera. I am going to position you as the flagship couple for this family. I’m arranging ‘paparazzi’ pictures of you to start with. I want the whole world to see that you’re madly in love. I want the public obsessed with you.”

Bryce looked sour; I felt dazed. Neither one of us said a word.

“Lucky for us, there’s a wedding coming soon. Caroline Vale’s circus of a society wedding isexactlywhat we need this summer. I couldn’t have planned it better myself.” Olivia rubbed her hands together. “We need to work quickly. By the time your cousin recites her wedding vows, the Windsor family will be front and center in the American psyche. This is an opportunity for greatness, people. I know that you will rise to the occasion.”

Olivia Jensen smiled at us one final time. “Everything goes through me. I mean,everything.My client has given me full authority to kick ass and take names if anyone here goes off-script. Is that clear?”

I nodded; we all nodded.

There was a new sheriff in town, and her name was Olivia Jensen.


coping mechanism

There was moretalk from the lawyers about the investigation. Regina Hernandez spoke at some length about the Board’s expectations. None of it registered with me. I was too dazed, thinking about what Olivia Jensen had said.

Flagship couple.

His heiress ex-girlfriend wants him back.

Hot storyline.

Public obsessed with you.

What on earth did all of this mean?

Bryce led me from the meeting while the others were still talking to the lawyers. We didn’t speak as he helped me onto the golf cart and then sped toward the house. Dale was waiting outside. “Bryce, can I grab you for a minute? We need to talk logistics.”