Page 24 of The Forever Promise

“Don’t go anywhere,” Bryce growled at me. “We have a lot to discuss.”

I nodded as he climbed out and headed for Dale.

My phone buzzed with a text.I told you we need cash,Lydia wrote.Keep ignoring me and you’ll be sorry.

I wanted to text her back, tell her to go die in a hole, and then throw my phone in the ocean. But I knew Lydia. She was loud. She was a pest. If I didn’t do something, she was absolutely going to be a relentless pain in my ass.

I’ll see what I can do,I wrote back.

You better,she responded.Or Mr. Billions is going to be sorry he ever met you.

A sick feeling gripped my stomach. I couldn’t deal with Lydia on top of everything else right now. While Dale and Bryce were still deep in conversation, I quickly called Akira Zhang.

She picked up after one ring. “What’s wrong? Do you need me to come get you? Do you need me to kick some billionaire ass?”

“Hi Akira. No, it’s nothing like that.” I watched Bryce with Dale. My husband was a problem, but he wasmyproblem; I felt strangely protective of him. “It’s my stepmother. She and my dad already ran through the money—she wants more and she wants it now. She keeps threatening me.”

“They went through a million dollarsalready?” Akira sounded incredulous. “How?”

“Foxwoods.” That was the name of the casino where they’d lost. “She said if I don’t do something, I’m going to be sorry.”

“We can’t have her blowing things up right now. Does Bryce know about this?”

I sighed. “No, I haven’t told him. He has enough on his plate. Is there any way you can wire her money for me? I don’t even know if Ihaveany money…”

“Of course you do. Do you really think I’d let you go back up there without some sort of guarantee? Your funds are being held in a private account. I’m authorized to distribute sums for your well-being and maintenance.” She sighed. “I suppose I can do something. How much do you want to give her?”

“Nothing. But do you think we could do thirty thousand?” I swallowed hard. “That would cover their living expenses for a year. She might not be happy with it, but it’s more than fair on top of what Bryce already gave them.”

“Send me her number and consider it done. I’ll take care of it.” Akira paused for a beat. “Are you doing okay?”

“I’m fine,” I lied. I was still watching Bryce. “I’m just fine.”

* * *

Bryce had to take a quick phone call. He’d ordered me to change into something “athletic” but had declined to elaborate. Midge was nowhere to be found as I tore through the wardrobe looking for something to wear. I found leggings and a sports bra with the price tags still on. The leggings wereseven-hundred and ninety dollars.I gaped at the tag. Who the hell wore workout clothes that cost that much?

I slid them on, wondering if they were somehow magic. Theywerebuttery soft and made my ass look good, but for eight-hundred bucks, I was expecting some sort of miracle. I threw on the sports bra, impressed by how it lifted my breasts, and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I was not an athlete, but at least I looked the part!

What kind of athletic activity does my husband want to engage in, anyway?

I shook off the thought. I’d do well to remember that only hours before, he’d rejected me yetagain. He’d told me our marriage was a mistake and sent me away. Then once he had me back in his clutches, he’d pushed me over the physical edge, making me ache for him. But when I’d tried to get close, he’d fled.

And now we had to pretend to be the happiest couple on earth, or else.The keyword is pretend, Chlo.

I sighed as I laced up a pair of pristine white sneakers and headed out to find Bryce. Why was I nervous and excited to spend the day with him? How many times could I be a fool? I vowed that I was finished with that role once and for all.

Instead of Bryce waiting at the landing, there was Hazel. I cringed—the spindly-legged maid had never been a fan of mine, and she’d seemed even more sour since I’d returned to the island.

“Mrs. Windsor.” Her lips puckered as she took in my outfit. “Mr. Windsor asked me to bring you outside to him. Is that what you’re wearing?”

“He told me to dress like this.” Cheeks heating, I glanced down at my sports bra. “We’re doing something…athletic.”

“Apparently,” she responded dryly.

I nervously twisted my wedding band as I followed her down the hall. “I met Bryce’s brothers this morning,” I blurted out, just for something to say. “They seemed nice.”

She arched a penciled-in eyebrow. “Both of them are quite special, I agree. I wish they’d come back and stay, but they’re grown now and prefer their own estates. They’d discussed building here on Somes Island, but then they made other plans.”