Page 67 of Resisting Nature

Good question.

I don’t want to take my eyes off him, but I need to in order to find my mate and her son. They have to be around here somewhere.

“Fucking bitch!” Grant’s scream turns into a howl as an uncontrolled shift takes hold of him. That’s all it takes for my own to finally snap.

I know the others are somewhere in the trees watching. The rare occasion of shifting outside the full moon calls for me to dig deep and unleash the wildness within. I’m nearly silent as my shift takes hold of me. My body heats to an unnatural level for a mere human while my skin rips and rapidly grows fur. My bones break and twist into different shapes.

The process is still painful, but it is necessary for my mate's safety.

My snout is barely fully formed before I’m ripping on my massive paws into the camp and lunging at him.

My teeth get a good dig into his shoulder before he can push me off. I hit the side of the camper, rocking the entire damn thing, but I can’t think about whether Alexa and Teague are in there. As I push myself off, the truck comes back on all four wheels as I lock onto Grant.

His chest heaves, and soon, he’s launching himself at me. There is absolutely no alpha in him. Just an unhinged creature who needs to be put down.

Unlike me, he doesn’t have the skills to fight. This is an all-out brawl.

Too bad for him, I grew up play fighting with the others and have nothing to hold me back.

Aware of my brother at my back, one of the officers standing in the timber with a shotgun, and Brandon just behind Grant, I go for it. His claws rip into me at the same time as I’m able to get ahold of him and pop his arm out of place.

He howls in pain, but I don’t relent. Our massive bodies clash together, casting monstrous shades against the surrounding trees thanks to the fire. He keeps sliding out of my grip, but each time, I think I can grab him and rip his head and spine out.

This asshole caused Alexa so much torment I’m still convinced I only know a fraction of it. He then forced her to give up on her life and one with her child in order to keep them safe. He took her from me, trying to claim her as his. That breaks one of our most sacred of unspoken laws.

Don’t fuck with another werewolf’s mate.

And now he’s going to pay with his life.

Charging me, he slams my body into the fire, sending sparks out every which way. I don’t pay attention to the flame trying their damnedest to attach to my fur as I get up and make my way over to him.

Our werewolf side may have the majority control when we’re in this form, but, for the most part, we can still think for ourselves. Grant rips the door off the truck and does his best to reach in to grab something.

He’s too big and clumsy, though.

Brandon passes me, heading straight for Grant at the same time as I do. We don’t notice he’s lifting a shotgun until he has it pointed at me.

And then the only thing I hear is the ringing of a shot.

Chapter Forty


“Let go of me!” Twisting and turning, I fight to get out of whoever’s grip that is locked firmly around me. It’s then that I notice the person doesn’t have a hold of Teague. As much as it pains me to, I release my son. “Teague, run!”

I cry. I can’t see anything, but the person’s forearm wrapped around my shoulders keeps me immobile.

“It’s okay, Teague. It’s me, Hagger.”

“J-Jon?” Teague hadn’t left my side when I pleaded with him to go. His hold returns to my hand, matching the grip of the man who grabbed me. “Wh-What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to get you and Alexa. Her mate is worried about both of you,” this Jon explains.

My worried mind releases me enough from the panic I’m able to realize this man is a werewolf and knows Teague well enough to come after him.

“M-Miles is here?” I’m gasping.

“Yes, ma’am.” Finally, he releases me now that I’m no longer fighting him. “He was shifted and charging that man when I caught Teague’s scent and quickly came after the two of you.”