Page 68 of Resisting Nature

“The shot?”

Please no.

Dread and panic overwhelm me, causing me to stagger on my chilled feet. The shot could have been Grant shooting Miles.

“No.” Making sure I still have ahold of Teague, I turn us around. “We need to go back!”

“No, Momma Alexa, the bad man is still there.” Teague pleads with me. He’s stronger than he looks as he attempts to hold me back. He digs his feet into the mud, stopping me from going too far.

“Teague, tell me, do you smell any other werewolves back in that direction?” He has to be able to.

I don’t have to see him to know he’s tilted his nose up and takes in a lung full of the night air. “Yes, but I can’t tell how many because of the smoke.”

“It’s okay, Teague. You’re still learning,” Officer Hagger states next to us.

God, I wish I could see.

“I promise you, with the others and me protecting you two, you’re perfectly safe.” Heavy footsteps take off, and we follow, with Teague guiding me back through the darkened forest until the glow of a dying fire hits my eyes. We made it a good distance. I hadn’t even picked up on the scent of smoke until we got closer once more. Slow and steady, for my sake, we make our way back to the campsite.

“It’s okay, Momma Alexa.” Teague gives my hand an encouraging squeeze. “Jon is friends with my dad and uncle. He’s gone hunting with me every time I shifted. He’s really nice.”

“Okay.” That eases me a little more. If Teague knows this man well, then I should be able to ease into his protection. But I know I can’t until Grant is dealt with and not only will I be safe but Teague and my baby inside me as well. And then there’s Miles.

Please don’t be shot.

Shadows dance across the trees like the forest spirits celebrating the night and rainfall it received. There are low tones, but I can make out at least one of them, Mason.

My heart clenches when I don’t hear Miles among them.

“Miles?” Not letting go of Teague, I drag him with me into view of the others. Officer Hagger is close behind. Three heads turn in my direction, two in human and one in werewolf. I know it isn’t Miles, but I do know who it is, even if I don’t recognize him immediately as Brandon. “M-Miles?”

The werewolf steps aside with another officer to reveal two bodies.


The need to be at Miles’s side has me finally relinquishing Teague’s hand and rushing to the two forms. I stumble once and almost there when one of them lifts. The blur of tears in my eyes does nothing to hide every little bit of the beast. I know in the depths of my soul it’s Miles.

Reaching him, I don’t care if he has blood covering him or anything else. I hug him, my fists grabbing tuffs of fur as I bury my face into his still ripped stomach.

I’ve only caught a glimpse of Miles in my bed in this form and Grant, who was monstrous. Miles is too to a point, but I feel the gentleness inside. He doesn’t wrap his arms around me. His claws are too sharp to hold me properly right now, but this connection is enough.

I’m not kidding myself. This form once terrified me, but I know no harm will come to me while Miles is close. I’m very aware Miles is using his body to block the sight I have yet to truly take in.

“I give the credit to the excellent eyesight of a wolf.” The other officer responds to whatever is being talked about. “If I were human, it would have been too dark for me to tell them apart.”

“Is the bad man gone now, Jon?” Teague asks.

“Yeah, he is, buddy,” Officer Hagger tells him, and then I hear a pat on the back.

I sniffle, taking in the scent of sweat, fur, and blood on Miles before I’m able to pull myself away from him. When I do, I’m looking up into his amber eyes and watch as he yelps and then begins to change back. It looks painful as he twists and turns until he’s back to the form I know best.

I give him space to change, and before he can come to me, jeans are thrown at him while the men surrounding us chuckle. Miles doesn’t bother to button up before his hands frame my face and he’s looking deep into my eyes, finding my soul and asking if I’m okay without opening his mouth.

“I’m okay,” I breathe out. “I managed to pick up a knife after I made the fire too smoky, threw some mud in his face, and took off with Teague.”

“Smart but that still put you in danger,” he rumbles. “If I didn’t get here in ti—”

“But you did.” I cut him off, coming closer to his still overheated body. “And Grant’s dead.” Cuddling into his warm, sweat-slicked chest, I close my eyes and finally, for the first time since this all started, relax. I’m in my safe place once more. Teague is safe but has a long road ahead of him with what he’s seen and been through in the past few hours.