Page 66 of Resisting Nature

They’re both werewolves.

“It’s dark, and he could have easily ditched the truck and took off with them on foot by now.” I’m nervous as hell.

“I don’t think even he could handle dragging both Alexa and Teague through the woods with ease, Miles.” While he’s trying his best to keep me calm, Mason’s grip on the steering wheel tightens. He’s just as worked up as I am.

The officer had pulled us over at the border, gave us a two-way radio so he could keep in contact with us, and instructed us to follow him.

That was a couple of hours ago.

“Let’s just hope Alexa is putting up a struggle to keep up with him. He took her with no shoes, so the forest floor probably isn’t too comfortable for her to walk on, let alone run,” Brandon offers.

My knee bounces as we drive on, weaving through the trees and down a moonlit dirt road. The thought of her having the discomfort of walking on pine needles is enough to have my werewolf’s fur beginning to sprout on my arms.

“Mason? You got a copy? Over?” The radio crackles.

“I’m here, sir. Over.”

“Officer Hagger is about a mile up the road waiting for us. He says the man you’re after is another mile up setting up a campsite for the night. Over.”

Thank fuck for the state law enforcement being filled with werewolves. This sort of thing would be difficult if they were humans. There’s no explaining to another werewolf about why you’re hunting down a lone.

“Okay. We’ll go in on foot from there. Over.” Mason puts the radio down just as Officer Bud slows down in front of us.

I’m out before Mason can cut the engine. The first thing I notice is the heavy scent of smoke filling the air.

“That’s too strong to be just a normal campfire.” We are all hushed now that we’re this close. Both officers talk to each other before turning to us.

“I think it’s best if we circle around them before we move in,” Officer Bud explains.

“Agreed.” I nod to him. “But I’m taking point.” Pulling my shirt over my head while also toeing off my boots and socks, I’m so close to falling over the edge that I’d much rather save the clothes I can before I know I’ll be shifting the moment I see the bastard.

Just be mindful of Alexa and the pup.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Brandon follows suit as well. Hours in the truck haven’t calmed down either of us at all. If anything, the time has agitated us even more.

“Right. We’ll head this way and come up from behind.” Officer Hagger gives a nod before he and Officer Bud take off as quietly as possible.

“I’m on the left,” Mason snaps. He may be pissed, but he’s keeping a level head for my sake.

“I’m on the right.” Brandon bites before taking off in a silent jog right after the officers.

I’m left all alone.

You’re never alone, asshole.

You know what I mean.

Shaking out my muscles, I force myself to wait a couple of minutes to allow the others to get into position before I take off as well. Just like the others, as silently as I can, I make my way up the road. I’m buck-ass naked and don’t give a damn if any human sees. The closer I get, the stronger the smell of smoke floods me.

At least it will cover up your scent.

Not all werewolves are in touch with the wilderness. I’ve heard of some city werewolves converting abandoned warehouses into a place where they go during the full moon. I’m not sure what kind of werewolf Grant is, but he certainly doesn’t know how to do one of life’s essentials by starting a fire with little smoke.

The mud under my feet will leave my trail the deeper I go on the road. Finally, I see firelight and a man growling while trying to beat flames off himself. Ducking behind a tree, I watch Grant dance around the smoke-filled firepit, wiping his face with one hand and beating the flames off his body with the other and muttering to himself.

Where the hell is Alexa and the pup?