Page 50 of Resisting Nature

“Have you taken a test yet?” I have no clue if she knows or not.

“For what?” She glares up at me, completely confused as she wipes her mouth.

“A pregnancy test.” My brow arches.

“I’m not … Miles.” She laughs, but it lacks all forms of humor. “I’m not pregnant.”

“You are.” Kicking off the wall, I go to her. “I can smell it. You’re pregnant with my baby, Alexa.”

“I …” She just stops talking. I see the change as she looks up at me but doesn’t see me. She’s calculating it in her head before her mouth forms an O, and her eyes widen, and she finally sees me.

“Yeah, baby, you are.” I don’t think I’ve ever smiled this wide before in my life.

Chapter Thirty


This woman is certifiable.

Hell, I think Miles and I both are as well. It was barely four in the morning when Miles tried to convince me I was pregnant. It was six thirty when Nina magically appeared with three different boxes of pregnancy tests.

That’s six tests in all. Six. I wasn’t sure how I would have enough pee to do all of them even after drinking nearly a gallon of water. I just soaked my hand while filling up a cup to put them all into instead of hovering over all of them.

At eight, we called to schedule an appointment with the OB/GYN in Fetterman because every single test came back positive within a matter of seconds after being put in my pee cup.

That was three weeks ago.

For that nearly entire month, I have adjusted not only to living in the middle of nowhere but also to being with a werewolf who continues to prove to me every day how wrong I was to have pre-conceived notions about his kind, being pregnant again, and living with a permanent Roper-shaped shadow that moves with me whenever I leave the house.

To work, which has been interesting to explain the cowboy who sits out in his truck all day long.

To the store, easier to explain.

To see Rylie for lunch, he refuses to join us each time.

Thankfully, the man is so quiet that most of the time I forget he’s there.

So yeah, it’s been a trip.

And the biggest trip of all isn’t realizing I’m pregnant again. I’ve been through it once before and had nothing like I do with this one. Teague was the easiest baby to grow. I had no morning sickness, no aches and pains, and zero heartburn. That little bit started yesterday after I drank a glass of water too quickly.

That’s right, water gave me goddamn heartburn!

Rylie, Nina, Missy, Macy, Anna, Spence, and even my mom have all agreed I’ve been preoccupied and stressed since I found out from Miles. That still doesn’t mean anything to me, though. I should have known. Not only did I put myself at risk but my unborn child as well.

Right after I made my appointment, I called to video chat with my mom, and she met Miles. Of course, my dad wasn’t thrilled about our situation, but he’s learning to deal. I thought the bulging vein on the side of his face would burst after he learned about Miles and the baby and the fact that I’m living with him.

It all turned out good in the parent-hood after we made plans for the holidays, and Dad got serious with Miles about locating Grant. Who, by the way, hasn’t been sighted since the night I’m positive I saw him. Dad and Miles quickly found common ground in getting rid of Grant and protecting me. They exchanged numbers and have kept each other up-to-date, as far as I know. None of the guys are willing to tell me much aside from not to be too worried.

I don’t like being in the dark about this. Grant wants me, and I know he’s capable of horrible things to get what he wants.

I’m worried about him hurting everyone I care about. I’m filled to the brim with concern, and right now, I’m apprehensiveabout how this doctor’s appointment will go. Since I wasn’t sure how far along I was, and they were booked out unless it was an emergency, this was the only time the doctor could get me in.

“I just don’t understand why you couldn’t get her in sooner. My other daughter-in-law was in two weeks ago. I’m positive they’re both around the same time.” Nina proves to be even more intense than she was at the store.

“I’m sorry, ma’am.” The lady is close to snapping at Nina. Rylie and I are helpless behind the intense woman. “But as I have explained to youalready, we’re the only office in the entire county, and as such, we are backed up on work. Ms. Hart wasn’t sure of the date of her last period so we got her in as soon as we could. Now, if you would be so kind, take a seat. I would appreciate it, or I will let the nurse know not to allow you to come back.”

“And there was the snap,” Rylie whispers conspiratorially to me.