Page 51 of Resisting Nature

“At least we aren’t being kicked out. I don’t feel like driving two hours every time I need to come in.” For a moment there, I thought Nina was going to lose it. She’s so different from my mom, who is soft and gentle. Nina is the definition of tough love.

“True.” Rylie nods.

Nina comes over and takes a seat across from me. “The nerve.” She huffs.

“It’s just the way it goes, Nina,” I offer. “After we scheduled the appointment, Miles took me to town, and I’ve been taking prenatal vitamins and watching what I eat and drink.Even though I’m craving M & Ms like I’ve been depriving myself.

I haven’t. A massive bag sits on the kitchen counter, and no one else is allowed to touch it.

It’s the best I can do until we can go back there and find out how far along I am. If my calculations are correct, I’m somewhere in the two-month range.

“Still.” She huffs again but is otherwise silent when the nurse appears and calls my name. One by one, the three of us stand, but I’m the one who leads the way.

“Good afternoon.” We follow her back to an alcove where she weighs and takes in my height before taking my blood pressure and temperature. “I’ll take you two to the room while Alexa gives us a sample.”

“Sample?” Rylie chuckles at my perplexed look while the nurse clears her throat.

“In the state of Wyoming, at every visit, you must provide a urine sample for drug testing. The state holds the right to take the baby if you come back positive even just once. It’s for the safety of the baby.”

“Wow.” This is different from when I had Teague. “I’ll make sure to stay away from anything with poppy seeds.”

Peeing in a cup isn’t any easier the second time. I feel like I need to bathe after I’m finished, but I wash my hands with nearly scalding water before I exit and head to the room. I’m instructed to change into a gown and told the doctor would be in soon.

“That was awkward.”

“Tell me about it,” Rylie answers from the other side of the curtain. “We’ll be pros at this by the end.”

“I can’t imagine being able to do that when I’m as big as a whale.” I never had to do that with Teague.

I push the curtain back, glad I wore a dress today and had little to take off. My boobs are killing me. I take a seat on the exam table, doing my best not to flash my bare ass to the two women who came with me.

We don’t have to wait long before there’s a soft knock, and the doctor comes in. “Good afternoon, Ms. Hart. I’m Dr. Lee. How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good. I’m finally over the shock this surprise brought me.” My hand instinctually goes to my belly.

“I’m sure. So let’s get through medical and family history before we look at the little one you’re brewing.”

And this is why Nina came. Not only has she been by my side almost every day when I’m not at work but she has also been extremely supportive. I managed to cover my side of the family’s history, and Nina filled in the blanks for Miles. It seems werewolves have extremely healthy and long lives.

Not that Dr. Lee will find that part out.

Once done, I’m falling back on the paper-covered exam table and being pulled down to the edge while the lights are dimmed. Nina and Rylie are at my side.

I thought Miles wanted to be here with me today, but when he pushed me out the door with his mom and Rylie, I was a little surprised. He said something about needing to put something together at the house while I was gone and didn’t want me to try to help him lift anything.

“Slight pressure now, Alexa.”

“Okay.” I breathe out. I take in another calm breath and relax while the ultrasound wand is inserted and moved around until Dr. Lee finds what she’s looking for.

“There we go.” I hear her smile. My gaze fixates on the screen, where I see the fluttering of a little heart instead of a tiny peanut. “There’s your baby.”

“Only one?” Nina almost sounds sad about the fact I only have one in there.

“Yes, one healthy baby.”

Chapter Thirty-One
