Page 49 of Resisting Nature

We talked more over dinner, and she explained further what her life was like with Grant in it. I’m even more pissed off and eager than ever to track down the douche canoe and get him the hell away from here and my woman. It made sense then why she put her son up for adoption. The boy needed to be protected from the monster who is his sperm donor.

If Grant somehow managed to track down Alexa, like he has, it doesn’t mean he’ll get to Teague. As far as Alexa knows, Grant had no idea she was pregnant to begin with.

And we’re going to keep it that way.


Alexa shifts in the room across from me. I can’t take this. She’s too restless to get any amount of sleep for either of us. Getting up, I pad across the hall, scoop her slightly slumbering body into my arms, and carry her back to my bed. She stirs but instantly falls back asleep. She cuddles deep to my side as I lie back, arms behind my head, and stare up at the ceiling.

I worked my ass off today so I could get back earlier than my usual late night, but for some reason, I can’t settle down enough to sleep. Even with Alexa by my side, finally settling, it doesn’t help.

Because an asshole is out there trying to get to our mate.

Doing my best not to snort in fear that it might wake her, I take a deep breath and slowly push it out, only to get it caught in my lungs.

No fucking way.

It takes everything in me not to jerk up in bed and cause Alexa to jostle awake. Her scent has intensified. I’ve been too consumed with getting her back and then dealing with the lone who just so happens to be her psycho ex to remember all the lectures my dad gave us.

It was one of my many lectures that came after Mason and I were given thetalk. Birds and bees go about the same way for werewolves, just with the added fact there’s a woman outthere, or if she falls in love with someone else and moves on, you’ll get another just for us.

She would be a perfect match to us in every way possible, but sometimes opposites attract.

Alexa is just that. She gets my sense of humor when others just roll their eyes at me. She’s kindhearted, sweet, confident most of the time, funny in her own cute ways, sexy as fuck, and her soul connects with mine.

And now she’s pregnant with my child.

“Holy shit.” A hand slaps over my mouth with the realization.

“When your mate becomes pregnant with your child, her scent will change.”My dad had told us one day. He had taken Mason, Derek, Brandon, Roper, and me all shooting with Eric, Brandon’s dad. We are all around the same age so we were given the lecture together.“If she smells like lemons normally, she’ll smell more like lemon tarts.”

The whole talk made me hungry more than anything else. I am, after all, the youngest of the five of us and was getting the talk at thirteen while the others were fifteen. That might be why I’m just now realizing what has been under my nose for the past couple of weeks.

I’m going to be a dad.

I pray for this kid.

Alexa shifts again, moving away from me. Now that I’m free, I sit up and vigorously scrub the shit out of my face as I lean forward before I turn and look down at her. She’s resting on her right side, curled up, and apparently not cold as I took the cover with me.

My hunger to consume her, to pull those tiny as fuck shorts and panties down, spread her legs, and wake her up with my face between her thighs sounds ideal. Her oversized shirt is actually the one I left behind in her room at Missy’s, and it rides up around her waist, exposing the barest hint of flesh.

My body coils as I slowly maneuver myself to my side, cuddle up against her back, and carefully lift the shirt. Her scent infiltrates my body as I do my best to control my breathing. The last thing I need to do is wake her with me somewhat hovering over her like this.

What are you doing? Her scent is enough to clue you in.

I need to see if there are any physical changes to her.

My tongue darts out, sticking out from the corner of my mouth as I lift the shirt enough to expose the bottom of her stomach. It isn’t easy to tell with how she’s resting, but there’s a subtle change that only I can see.

My hand spans her entire lower belly as I come to rest it there. I know I’m not going to feel anything yet. It’s far too soon for that.Thank you, Macy, for pregnancy life lessons. But the connection is enough to satisfy me.

“I’m going to be a dad.” Holy shit, I think I’m going to cry.

Please don’t.

Just as I’m getting ready to rest and finally get maybe an hour’s worth of sleep, Alexa pushes away from me and stumbles to the bathroom to throw up. Getting out of bed, I follow her and lean against the wall with my arms crossed. I’m sure she doesn’t want me to see her this way, but she’ll just have to deal with it. Once her stomach is empty, she falls back to the side of thebathtub and looks up at me. I love how she looks no matter what, especially carrying my baby, but she does look horrible.

“I’m calling the doctor in the morning.” She wheezes.