Page 13 of Ruthless Desire

“Why would you do that?” I yelled, even though the noise pierced through my throbbing head. “You had no business to stop me from having a good night with Landon,” I bellowed.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Chase yelled, as he stomped his foot. “You were so drunk, you could barely stand. You weren’t thinking about what that stranger could do to you. Someone could have really taken advantage of you; I just stepped in before anything could happen,” he said.

Grasping the shower door, I pulled myself up so I could look at Chase more closely. “You’re an asshole. Maybe I wanted someone to take advantage of me,” I said in slow, menacing words.

Staring right back at me, Chase didn’t budge. “I may be an asshole, but you’re too innocent for this place. You don’t want someone to take advantage of you. All you wanted was someone to notice you. Maybe you just aren’t looking the right way,” Chase finished, as he snapped his mouth shut.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I argued back. I wasn’t sure how to react to what he just said. I was also pretty sure that Chase didn’t intend for the last bit of words to slip past his lips.

Shaking his head, Chase turned toward the bathroom door. Sauntering through the doorway, he turned so I could only see the side of his face. “You’re a real pain in my ass,” he said, before slamming the door closed.

Moments later, I heard the hotel room door open and then bang closed again. I waited a few more minutes before leaving the bathroom and then, slowly, Chase’s room.



Ifound myself walking aimlessly around town as I had to get out of that casino and as far away from Lizzie as I could get. She had no fucking clue how much it angered me to watch her grind her sweet, sexy body against that asshole she called Landon.

I watched him hand her drink after drink. He knew what he was doing. Every sip of alcohol that went down her throat, the same throat that should be sipping on me, he was waiting for his chance to get her alone.

As long as I had breath in me, I wouldn’t let anyone else touch Lizzie. I had never been so grateful for a bartender in my life. Seeing Lizzie and Avery dancing, the bartender at the club sent a text to Jax and a few other guys, showing them how hot the girls looked.

Showing me the picture, I threw Jax’s phone across the room and then ran into the nightclub. With her hair pulled up in a slick ponytail, black heels, and a dress that looked like it was painted on those delicious curves, Lizzie looked like a walking hard-on.

Pissed, Jax followed me into the club but left after I gave him my credit card and told him to use it to get himself a new phone to replace the one I had just destroyed. Secretly, I knew he couldn’t stand to watch Avery dance with some tool she had just met, but he wasn’t ready yet to admit that.

My phone beeped in my pocket as I swiftly walked down the sidewalk. Taking it out of my jeans, I saw a text from Jax.

Jax: Avery is working today. She said Lizzie is still pissed at you.

Me: Lizzie can get over it

I typed back, but I felt bad about sounding so harsh. All I had wanted to do was protect Lizzie from horny guys and instead, I had pissed her off even more.

Jax: Avery also said she and Lizzie may go dancing again soon…

Me: Just admit you like Avery. I’ll keep an eye out on the girls…

I decided not to text anymore. As I continued walking, I thought back to the night before. A small smile crept over my face as I remembered the highlight of my night and possibly my year. As I carried Lizzie from the club, she placed her head on my shoulder. Her scent of coconuts and vanilla invaded my senses, and I couldn’t help but sniff her hair. I wanted to memorize that smell.

My hands were tucked under her ass and her arms, and as she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck, I heard her mutter words I would keep locked in my brain forever.

Take me to see Chase,Lizzie had said before passing out and falling asleep in my arms. She didn’t weigh anything, so I took my time walking back to my room. Lingering possibly too long in the hall, I wanted to keep her in my arms like that forever. Instead, I walked her into my room, placed her in my bed, and watched her sleep until early in the morning. I held her hairback when she would roll over in bed and vomit. I cleaned up her vomit all night and made sure to wipe away the sweat that lingered on her brow.

It was the best fucking night of my life.


Two days had gone by since I had humiliated myself in front of Chase. I never saw Landon again, which was probably for the best. He was more than likely just a horny tourist out on the prowl for action, but still, I had enjoyed his touch.

Avery tried to reassure me that I was making the entire situation much worse than it really was, but I just couldn’t face the world. Knowing I had a shift today, I knew I couldn’t hide away any longer. So, I waited around and did what I thought was best—being alone with my thoughts.

Well, sitting alone in the hotel room had proven to be a terrible idea. My shift didn’t start for another hour, and I was going crazy. I had contemplated going outside and visiting some of the famous sights in Vegas, but without someone to go with, the sights and sounds of this glamorous town just didn’t seem as enticing.

Avery rounded the corner, almost knocking over another waitress who was quickly taking a drink order to a few older men who had been sitting at the blackjack table for nearly four hours. I had been watching the crowds as I waited for my shift tostart. For some odd reason, Jim had scheduled Avery and me at different times today, and I had been so bored and lonely, I had decided to head down to the casino early.

Spotting me, Avery dropped off her drink order and then came over to me. “Look, it’s the walking dead,” she joked, as she smiled.