Page 12 of Ruthless Desire

I opened my mouth to smile his way when my eyes landed on a dark figure standing across the room. With his arms roughly folded across his chest, Chase watched me with a scowl on hisface. From the way he hid in the shadows of the nightclub, he looked like someone otherworldly. Like a vampire seeking his prey, ready to suck my blood at the slightest movement made.

Getting lost in Chase’s gaze could ruin everything for me. If I knew anything in this world, I knew that. So, I pulled Landon in and placed a kiss on his lips. Surprise took over his face for a moment before lust filled his eyes, and his hands roamed over my body. I knew Chase was watching us, I felt him staring daggers at us, but I didn’t care.

When the song ended, Avery and I, along with our designated boy toys for the evening, rushed to the bar where we threw back shots. With each drink of liquid courage, I felt the warm alcohol sting my throat and kick my senses in low drive. I no longer cared about Chase or if he were watching me. All I wanted was to dance and allow myself to get lost in the night.

After our fourth shot, I felt my head spin as my body felt dizzy. I was still dancing around with Landon, and his hands still roamed over every inch of my body. Sleep beckoned me, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could stand, let alone dance.

“I’m tired,” I slurred at the group still dancing around me.

“You can come up to my room,” Landon suggested, with a wink.

That sounded wonderful. Any bed right now seemed like a good idea.

“Okay, I’ll meet you later. I’m not tired yet,” Avery said, as she twirled around us.

Extending his hand, Landon took hold of me and parted the crowd as he led us toward the exit of the club. My eyes fought to stay open, and I smiled through the haze as I thought about how wonderful it would be to sleep in just a few moments.

Without warning, Landon stopped moving, and I stumbled into him. He had been helping me walk, and now I was afraid I couldn’t stand on my own.

“Hey, watch it, man,” Landon yelled.

My eyes were barely open, so I couldn’t see who he was yelling at, but I could hear the frustration in his voice.

Before I knew what was happening, I was being picked up in a strong pair of arms. With my head nestled on a shoulder, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to be carried to bed. I mumbled a few words before sleep took over.

Waking sometime later, my head pounded as though someone was standing above me with a hammer, repeatedly beating my skull. Placing a hand on my forehead, I winced as the bright morning sunlight shone in through a window. Slowly peeling my eyes open, I glanced around and noticed I wasn’t in my bed anymore. The last thing I remembered from the night before was lots of dancing and even more alcohol.


Oh shit, did I hook up with Landon last night? I glanced around the hotel room, looking for any sign of who I was with, but all I found was a glass of water and two Tylenol sitting next to the bed on a bedside stand.

“So, you finally wake up,” a deep voice broke through, as I sat all the way up.

To my surprise, it wasn’t Landon who I saw standing near the bed. It was Chase.

“What am I doing in your room?” I barked, as I threw the covers over my body as though they could shield me from something.

Laughing, Chase just shook his head. “Maybe you need to think back to the events of last night,” Chase scolded, as he stood with his arms crossed over his massive chest.

Sighing, I knew I wouldn’t get anywhere with him. “Look, I don’t know what happened, but I need to get back to my room,” I stated, as I tried to remove myself from the bed.

As my body went to stand, I lost my balance and fell back onto the soft mattress. “Slow down,” Chase said, as he ran over to my side. “You drank a lot of alcohol last night. You’re probably dehydrated. Drink some water and rest. You can get up later,” Chase added, as he rolled his eyes.

I fell back onto the pillows behind me. My stomach churned as I felt the contents of my stomach creeping back up my throat. “I’m going to vomit,” I cried out, as I struggled to sit up.

Placing his arms under my legs and back, Chase lifted me off the bed and ran with me to the bathroom. Laying me on the marble tile, he opened the toilet and held my hair back just in time.

Mortified didn’t even cover how I felt. First, I woke up in Spencer Chase’s room with no memory of how I got there. Now, I was vomiting in front of him.

I threw up a few more times before I settled with my back against the shower door. Handing me a wet wash rag, Chase stood beside me as I panted.

“You did that a lot last night,” Chase chuckled, as he looked down at me.

“I’m so sorry,” I cried, as embarrassment flooded through me.

Rubbing his hands along his jaw, Chase contemplated something before opening his mouth to speak. “Look, I know we didn’t get off on the right foot, but I want you to know nothing happened last night. You were about to leave the bar last night with a man you didn’t know. I brought you up to my room so you could sleep off the drinks. Your friend Avery knows where you are; I already let her know.”

I tore my gaze up at Chase as memories of the night before flashed across my mind. Chase had lifted me away from Landon.Why would he do that? I almost had an amazing night with someone who was actually interested in me, but Chase just ruined that for me.