Page 152 of The Ever Queen

Silence, thick as a hot wind, crossed the courtyard.

Until Hans Skulleater cleared his throat to the point it was more like a wet hacking cough. “Can’t be speakin’ for these sods, but as for I, well, I’ll be keepin’ me bond, King Erik, if you please.”

Scar uttered the same, even chastising me for considering removing his blood bond. One by one the Ever Crew chanted the tune of the ship, low, eerie, powerful.

A man he’s not, we work, we rot. ..

“We’re stayin’ aboard,” Skulleater repeated. “We’re stayin’ with our king and our lovey of the ship.”

The brute winked at Livia. I tripped over words, so I said nothing. With a nod, I mutely bid them to return to their places.

“Next—” My voice was a rough scratch. “Sewell Fleshripper.”

“Little eel.” His hands were clasped behind his back. Sewell was trimmed and stood straighter. Without his overgrown beard and tousled hair, I could see Celine and Gavyn in his features.

“You were unjustly punished for a crime that was never there. I return to you the title of Lord, the same title your son still holds. You are to be given the respect, the dignity, and the honor you’ve always deserved. As such, you are free to live within your lands of the House of Bones unscathed. There is no quarrel with the crown and Sewell Fleshripper. Your mate will be honored and remembered in the royal city and across the Ever, never forgotten.”

Celine covered her mouth and leaned into Gavyn, whose face was unmoving. Sewell, on the other hand, beamed. “Sweet words, little eel.”

“Overdue words,” I said, facing the crowd. “Should anyone try to enact former punishments, they will fall beneath a blade instead.”

I called forth Lord Joron and Avaline. Joron gawked a bit at Sewell as he strode past. It was no small thing to unravel a vicious order from Thorvald and Harald, but the mood of the crowd was light, even hopeful.

“Lord Joron. You fulfilled your end of a command, though it does not escape me that you would not have done so if not for threats against you.”

“I would argue, My King,” Joron said, “that there is no way to know such things.”

“You have little respect for the title of queen,” I said through my teeth. “You disgraced your own people in your house by allowing them to suffer so fiercely. But there is another within the House of Tides who willingly risked for the benefit of our people. LadyAvaline.”

Joron’s daughter’s eyes went wide, pale as a morning sun. Her hands shot to her gown, clasping the woolen skirt tightly, like she might want to toss it over her head and disappear.

“The nobles who preside over the houses of the Ever Seas are called with honor, required to protect and value their people.” I paused for good measure, and perhaps to see Joron sweat a bit. “You have proven you are the right choice to lead the House of Tides.”

“My King,” Joron hissed.

“Silence.” I curled my lip, flashing the points of my teeth. “I wasn’t finished. I strip your father of his title and give it to you. Lady of the House of Tides. Your word will be trusted at council, and within your isles.”

“You cannot demote me from my gods-given seat,” Joron seethed.

“There is no demotion,” I said calmly. “Your blood remains the ruler of the House of Tides. Your daughter is merely the mouthpiece. If she accepts, that is.”

Avaline offered a tentative look at her father. Joron’s pointed nose wrinkled, and his thin lips curled. A silent threat, but now would be when we saw what Avaline could do when given the shove.

After a drawn pause she blinked up to me. “I accept, My King. Gratefully.”

“And should a hair atop her head be harmed,” Livia said, glaring at Joron. “Know that our suspicions will fall to you.”

“A final title is due,” I went on, holding out an arm for Livia to join me at my side. “One that was heartily agreed upon by both king and queen. Celine Tidecaller.”

Celine jolted, a look of confusion on her features, but she peeled away from Gavyn, stepping into the sunlight.

“Celine,” Livia said, voice soft. “You have been a true ally, a friend when I thought I had none in the Ever. You have been loyal to the crew, to your family, and the king all your life.”

“Like your father, you did not deserve to be punished in such a way, Tidecaller,” I offered. “I would trust you with my life, and Ihave, more than once. It will be difficult to part with you from the crew.”

Celine gasped and looked wary. “Erik, I-I don’t want, please, I don’t want to be off the crew.”

“I’m afraid it must be,” I went on.